~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love."
~ Gandalf (J. R. R. Tolkien ~ The Hobbit)”
“I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love."
~ Gandalf (J. R. R. Tolkien ~ The Hobbit)”
Proud girl:
Washing hands and keeping your distance ...
wearing a mouth and nose protection is the biggest challenge these days ...
but we will make it ... !!!!
" Ludo ergo sum " . ( I play , therefore I am! )
I have 2 computers at home. Me and wittelsbach use the site so please do not ban us.... Thank you
Kleiner Schneemann verfolgt Mädchen:
Happy New Year:
= von Fire für Weihnacht 21
von Fire zu Weihnacht 2023:
from Fire to Valentinesday 2024
from, Fire to Halloween:
von Fire zu St. Patricks
for Shop - Background Color is F0F0F0
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wait a moment...
here, take this :
You can safely carry your purchase home with this...
It\'s almost Thanksgiving in the United States and we would like to wish all of our players celebrating a very happy Thanksgiving. Everyone at Marapets is thankful for each and every one of you!
There is a shortage of Gobbles in Marada. With Talon frightened that he will be cooked instead, he has hired a replacement Burple until December 15th. Burple is Gurple\'s even uglier cousin. Burple is an original Gobble, too ugly and unpalatable to be eaten. Are you brave enough to fight him in the Battle Arena? Visit the Talon Quest page and start a quest. You then battle and win against Burple and go back to the quest page to complete it. He will reward you with MP or these new Thanksgiving Prizes that will retire after December 15th.
[img]http://images.marapets.com/items/BlueStuffedGobblePlushie.png[/img] Blue Stuffed Gobble Plushie rarity 12 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/BoiledGobbleEgg.gif[/img] Boiled Gobble Egg rarity 25 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/Crafly.gif[/img] Crafly rarity 25 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/EyruCap.gif[/img] Eyru Cap rarity 25 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/GobbleGiblets.png[/img] Gobble Giblets rarity 12 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/GobbleHandDrawing.png[/img] Gobble Hand Drawn Photo rarity 12 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/GobblePotPie.png[/img] Gobble Pot Pie rarity 12 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/GobbleUpStamp.png[/img] Gobble Up Stamp rarity 25 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/GreenStuffedGobblePlushie.png[/img] Green Stuffed Gobble Plushie rarity 12 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/HolyCorn.gif[/img] Holy Corn rarity 12 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/leafdress16.gif[/img] Leaf Dress rarity 25 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/LuckyGobbleFoot.png[/img] Lucky Gobble Foot rarity 12 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/PilgramBoyPlush.gif[/img] Pilgram Boy Plushie rarity 25 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/RedStuffedGobblePlushie.png[/img] Red Stuffed Gobble Plushie rarity 12 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/RunGobbleRun.png[/img] Run Gobble Run rarity 25 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/SliceofCaramelPumpkinPie.gif[/img] Slice of Caramel Pumpkin Pie rarity 12 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/SliceofChocolateSwirlPumpkinPie.gif[/img] Slice of Chocolate Swirl Pumpkin Pie rarity 12 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/SliceofPumkpinCheesecake.gif[/img] Slice of Pumkpin Cheesecake rarity 12 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/Sycamore.png[/img] Sycamore rarity 25 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/TurkeyPopUPBook.gif[/img] Turkey Pop Up Book rarity 25 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/VeganTofuThanksgivingMeal.gif[/img] Vegan Tofu Thanksgiving Meal rarity 25 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/WishboneBow.png[/img] Wishbone Bow rarity 12 [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/YellowStuffedGobblePlushie.png[/img] Yellow Stuffed Gobble Plushie rarity 12