~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love."
~ Gandalf (J. R. R. Tolkien ~ The Hobbit)” “I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love."
~ Gandalf (J. R. R. Tolkien ~ The Hobbit)”
Easter 2024
Proud girl:
Halloween 2024
Valentine 2024
Washing hands and keeping your distance ...
wearing a mouth and nose protection is the biggest challenge these days ...
but we will make it ... !!!!
" Ludo ergo sum " . ( I play , therefore I am! )
I have 2 computers at home. Me and wittelsbach use the site so please do not ban us.... Thank you
Kleiner Schneemann verfolgt Mädchen:
Happy New Year:
von Fire zu Weihnacht 2023:
Valentine 2025
from Fire to Valentinesday 2024
from, Fire to Halloween:
von Fire zu St. Patricks
for Shop - Background Color is F0F0F0
Hello [%VISITOR%] . . .
wait a moment...
here, take this :
You can safely carry your purchase home with this...
[img]https://images.marapets.com/items/shirt_blobs.png[/img] Recycled Shirt - Recycling Centre for 95 Recycle Pts
[img][/img] Sacred Shirt - Kwazikujo for 130,000RP
[img][/img] Splash Shirt - Millionaire's Lodge for 2,250,000MP
[img]https://images.marapets.com/items/shirt-sqwiggle.png[/img] Sqwiggle Shirt - Games Shop for 475 Score Pts
[img][/img] Tribal Shirt - Kwazikujo for 52,500RP
[img][/img]Zebra Shirt - Antique Shop for 13,250,000MP
A new 'Digital Downpour' Experience has been released. Can you find it?
There are ten new items that can stock at the Tattoo Shop
Bloom Tattoo - Tattoos for 1,791MP
Cactus Tattoo - Tattoos for 3,980MP
Camp Fire Tattoo - Tattoos for 4,975MP
Compass Tattoo - Tattoos for 4,577MP
Daystar Tattoo - Tattoos for 2,587MP
Dominoes Tattoo - Tattoos for 4,776MP
Eye Tattoo - Tattoos for 4,975MP
Floral Tattoo - Tattoos for 2,587MP
Pencil Tattoo - Tattoos for 4,179MP
Stopwatch Tattoo - Tattoos for 3,980MP
The Clothing Shop has new pattern Shirts that can stock. The Clothing Rack and Vending Machine also have new items you can win
Aztec Shirt - Vending Machine Prize
Bubbles Shirt - Vending Machine Prize
Connections Shirt - Clothing Rack Prize
Crossmark Shirt - Vending Machine Prize
Cube Shirt - Clothing Rack Prize
Current Shirt - Clothing Rack Prize
Curtain Shirt - Clothing Rack Prize
Dash Shirt - Clothing Rack Prize
Diagonal Shirt - Clothing Rack Prize
Duo Shirt - Vending Machine Prize
Emboss Shirt - Clothing for 4,085MP
Graph Shirt - Clothing for 4,730MP
Gridlock Shirt - Clothing Rack Prize
Groovy Shirt - Clothing Rack Prize
Interhex Shirt - Clothing for 3,870MP
Interlock Shirt - Vending Machine Prize
Jagged Shirt - Vending Machine Prize
Lamp Shirt - Vending Machine Prize
Lateral Shirt - Vending Machine Prize
Melt Shirt - Vending Machine Prize
Mesh Shirt - Clothing Rack Prize
Nexus Shirt - Vending Machine Prize
Oblong Shirt - Clothing Rack Prize
Orb Shirt - Clothing for 5,375MP
Overcast Shirt - Clothing for 5,375MP
Pie Shirt - Vending Machine Prize
Pinstripe Shirt - Vending Machine Prize
Polka Dot Shirt - Clothing for 3,225MP
Rail Shirt - Clothing for 4,300MP
Rectangles Shirt - Clothing for 3,655MP
Signal Shirt - Vending Machine Prize
Spotline Shirt - Clothing for 2,580MP
Steampunk Shirt - Clothing for 3,440MP
Triangles Shirt - Clothing for 2,795MP
Twinkle Shirt - Vending Machine Prize
Vivid Shirt - Clothing for 3,010MP
Warp Shirt - Vending Machine Prize
X Shirt - Vending Machine Prize
The Time Machine has a new Fashion Frenzy promotion
Use the Time Machine between now and March 16th, 2025 and you can choose between the current prize list (that changes automatically every Saturday) or a special WARDROBE ONLY Prize List. Select the Wardrobe Prize List to win one of 713 retired doll items