~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love."
~ Gandalf (J. R. R. Tolkien ~ The Hobbit)” “I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love."
~ Gandalf (J. R. R. Tolkien ~ The Hobbit)”
Easter 2024
Proud girl:
Halloween 2024
Valentine 2024
Washing hands and keeping your distance ...
wearing a mouth and nose protection is the biggest challenge these days ...
but we will make it ... !!!!
" Ludo ergo sum " . ( I play , therefore I am! )
I have 2 computers at home. Me and wittelsbach use the site so please do not ban us.... Thank you
Kleiner Schneemann verfolgt Mädchen:
Happy New Year:
von Fire zu Weihnacht 2023:
Valentine 2025
from Fire to Valentinesday 2024
from, Fire to Halloween:
von Fire zu St. Patricks
for Shop - Background Color is F0F0F0
Hello [%VISITOR%] . . .
wait a moment...
here, take this :
You can safely carry your purchase home with this...
we've made some important changes to help better define what Limited Edition and Restricted actually means
Limited Edition pets are species that are rare and limited and cannot just be created directly. They earned by using special items, like Enchanted Plushies or Potions, mostly from Missions and Account Upgrade Sets
Restricted pets are much rarer versions of our limited edition pets with more restrictions on how they can be earned. We will give you more information about Restricted Pets later this year but below is the updated availability for these restricted species:
Decadal -- released in Account Upgrade Sets every 10 years (2014, 2024) and back in 2034
Wallop -- released in Account Upgrade Sets every 5 years (first released 2020) and back this year
Daisy -- released in Account Upgrade Sets every 4 years (2024, 2028, 2032)
Sybri -- released in Account Upgrade Sets every 3 years (2025, 2028, 2031)
Straya -- released in Account Upgrade Sets every 3 years (2026, 2029, 2032)
Raulf -- released in Account Upgrade Sets every odd year (2025, 2027, 2029)
Vlad -- released in Account Upgrade Sets every odd year (2025, 2027, 2029)
Willa -- released in Account Upgrade Sets every even year (2024, 2026, 2028)
Vixen -- released in Account Upgrade Sets every even year (2024, 2026, 2028)
Gobble -- can be released in Account Upgrades only once a year, usually around our Thanksgiving event
Limax -- can be released in Account Upgrade Sets only once a year
Zola -- if you are really lucky the Capsule Machine will give you a Zola Potion or Enchanted Plushie
Echlin -- complete all 50 levels of the Slate Pyramid
Hump -- complete all 50 levels of the Kamilah Pyramid
Figaro -- compete in the Olympics for 16,272 Olympic Points to buy from the Olympics Shop
Justin -- complete Desert Spy quests for Spy Points to buy from the Desert Spy Shop