4 years, 9 months & 20 days ago
24th Mar 2020 23:04 24/3/20: Ench. IC Mordo Plush & Libra wig SOLD 17 AU
24/3/20: Gummi 7.5mil
18/5/20: SETM 6&15 for 9 AU + 12 mil
Coyotish- It was a Daisy, obtained from an event then transformed into an Echlin through temple. Next is to make her a permanent species of an Ercuw- Party 😍 still a long wayy to goo 😌
Kellogs- using enchanted rainy snookle plushie
Giftwrappe using royal wallop potion
Mesi, Lathenia & Mattafix - these 3 trio i got through trading of Yuni(can't track the name anymore)
Halifax- using beige quell potion
Creamies- using Mordo potion
Comsort - through pet trade
Tiberium- using Dakota potion
Moravia- obtain through pet trade
Poptartt- obtain through pet trade
Lyio- obtain through pet giveaway, thank you. First time winning a LE pet giveaway wee.
Mareah- Using enchanted lava chibs plushies. Trade with items from my gallery.
Wizardri- using Zoosh potion I obtained through circus
Loversly- Obtained through pet trade
Rusties- using rusty potion I obtained through rubbish dump