
4 years, 8 months & 15 days ago
19th Jun 2020 10:16This blog is created to remind me of mara people's kindness. We havent met in person nor have been talked before but their kindness shine first before they even introduce themselves. Thank you guys for all the kind things you have done, spread more love and all the positive vibes to the world
Much love and thanks to:
1. Ammen for helping me with my rubbish dump mission.
Allow me to quote his powerful words

'We must always strive to be the change we want to see in the world. One small good deed really can affect a lot of people, and that is more powerful than any sum of MP'
Im very much grateful for that, bless you <3
2. Eternamax for helping me to complete my Venomous Victory Map. Could take much longer time without your help. So thank you

3. Lyio was given by Kohl from a pet giveaway. Lati was my dream pet!!! She's so cutee. She is never for trade.
4. Talos13 bought my stuff when I'm desperate to buy book for Tarquin. I manage to complete the level with her help. Thank you!
5. Creamies transformed from a burnt Kujo to an Ice Cream during Easter Egg Hunt 2020. A dream comes true. She's now lovely as ever<3
6. To Eira & Cygnet you guys are lovely strangers whom blessed with kind hearts. Thank you for the birthday gifts, God bless you <3
7. Dearest Elf, thank you for the lovely Pepperments <3 I will take a good care of him. The best maragift in 2020. thank you for giving me my dream pet!! <3
The list goes on.
Not to forget my 2 siblings which I dragged them to play Mara too >.< we've been a great team mates together, thanks girls <3