Sometimes, I wish I had more money. Not for myself to buy random things, but so I could travel to each of your houses and give you a hug when your sad. Or take you out to a movie when your posting about being lonely. I wish I could come to where you live and help fight everyone???s battles. From the bullies you have causing you to hate yourself. To the voices inside of your head, telling you things that are not true about you. Anything. I just wish I could do more. I wish I could be the little voice standing on your shoulder. Because if I was; I can guarantee I would make sure you know, just how amazing you are and just how full of potential you are. I just hate scrolling through my news feed and seeing how upsetting everyone???s lives seem to be and being able to do nothing about it. So for those who haven???t heard it today.
You are amazing! No matter how life is treating you, today. The sun always rises tomorrow. Keep your chin up!