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  1. Stuff from people & graphics I've bought
    6th Dec 2010 17:43
    14 years & 20 days ago
  2. SCDH10: EFC
    5th Nov 2010 08:45
    14 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
  3. SCDH10: COK Prizes Sign Up
    2nd Nov 2010 23:39
    14 years, 1 month & 23 days ago
  4. Red Star O.O
    21st Jul 2010 23:53
    14 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
  5. Recent status - look at the last paragraph
    27th Dec 2009 07:44
    15 years ago
  6. Blog #276190
    6th Dec 2009 03:06
    15 years & 21 days ago
  7. SCDH09: W&W Prizes Sign up
    3rd Nov 2009 19:22
    15 years, 1 month & 22 days ago
  8. SPAM CHAT DOES HALLOWEEN '09 - Finished
    19th Oct 2009 22:37
    15 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
  9. SCDH09: W&W Harry Potter Character Sign-Up
    19th Oct 2009 22:26
    15 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
  10. Future Pets
    13th Aug 2009 03:58
    15 years, 4 months & 14 days ago
Things you probably didn't know about me...
15 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
20th Apr 2009 04:34

I was bored & thought I might make this.
My real name isn't Lena but I use it online all the time, kinda like a nickname but my real name is the same amount of letters.
I am 19 & was born in February on a cold, rainy sunday.
I have brown eyes & blonde/brown hair.
I go to uni & am doing a Bachelor of Science majoring in biology & interested in chemistry as well.
My best friends name is Hayley who has an account on here.
My boyfriends name is Bill & has an account & lives 10hrs away from me (long distance relationship).
I am a really shy person irl.
I have 2 cats (gypsy & bandit), 1 bird (Kara), 10 fish inside (Moe, Fiiiishy, Ball, Spike, Angel, Dyson, Oz, McLeod, RANDO! & Spot) & 4 outside with one with a name called Hoover.
My real name is from Star Wars cool.gif
I have a really low self esteem so tend to put myself down a lot (don't say that I am pretty or anything 'cause I will deny it =P).
I have a younger sister who is 16 & really prefers to talk with friends than play on a pet site (I don't know why XD).
I am really addicted to marapets, I doubt I will ever leave 'cause I am always thinking about it (grave robbing mainly).
I live on the east coast of Australia.
I share a room with my sister (I have the top bunk *dances*)
I have always wanted to play the guitar & learn Japanese.
I want to become a science teacher after uni.
I plan on one day meeting all my closest mara friends (Sha, Labby, Lex, Zoe, Jae I will find out where you live =P, X, Sofa, Alex & a few others I can't think of right now.
I don't like friend requests from random people 'cause I think it should be for your friends not just a number.
Ask me a question & I will most likely answer it.
I have no religion as I was raised to need proof before coming to a conclusion but I accept all religions & love learning about others.
I have had my learners for almost 2 years now & only ever had 2 driving lessons -_- if I don't get my Red P's before next year then I have to get my learners again so I have to do more driving.
I wore pants to my yr10 formal to prove that girls don't have to wear dresses to formals.
I prefer to wear pants, more comfortable. I only own two dresses & they were the ones to choose from for my formal.
My style is 'comfortable' if it isn't comfortable I wont wear it.
I have mild asthma.
I don't smoke or take drugs (they are all bad so don't do it).
I only drink socially or with my parents & it mainly is white wine but my fave is probably tequilla <3
I am a good girl, rarely break the rules (my friends want to change that =P)
My fave pet on mara is Ercuw then it is a Fasoro then Lati.
I loooove collecting things, the mass thing I collect is tanning salon tickets.
I get more talkative when I have had a little bit of alcohol than normal, never been drunk either =)
My Fave colour is Blue.
I am too nice for my own good -_-
I like vanilla ice cream but prefer caramel milkshakes.
Possibly my fave fruit is passion fruit, its yummy, also not much work required.
Yes I am lazy XD
I don't have a job, why should I? My parents will support me whilst I am at uni & I am busy enough as it is why make t worse? Also I am lazy =P
I like fire, I have heaps of candles, some have pretty smells in them. The smell of the burnt wicks is nice too...
I love animals, when I was little I wanted to be a dolphin trainer before I realised I would have to leave home, then I wanted to be a vet, then I realised I would have to wake up early... again lazy XD
I also wanted to be a forensic scientist but I found out it is really hard to get a job, recently I found out I don't like large amounts of blood so it is probably best I didn't pursue that.
When I get older I want kids, only one or 2 I think, I find little ones adorable =) but definitely gonna wait till I find the right person to settle down with.
I accept basically anyone with what they do, I don't care what they do it is their choice... but if it is gonna hurt them then I try to talk them out of it XD
I care about my friends a lot, so you hurt them you might have me knocking down your door.
The club I am in is the 2nd club I joined when I started on mara, the first one got deleted. I am proud to be part of Mara:Force & was ecstatic when I was asked to be a moderator... note to self, go to club chat more...
I am forgetful sometimes, don't know why I think it might be either I think about too many things so some just slip out of my head or it has to do with the fact that that it is hereditary...
The bronze AU I got was from saved up credits, got a new female certificate the same way too... the gold one I got with my own money ^_^
I don't say g'day or mate often but I know what budgie smugglers are smile.gif
I use aussie slang often without realising it...
I love science, seriously I have a gadget on my laptop with vista has that is a periodic table, also have a periodic table in my wallet... but generally don't use it 'cause I can look at chemicals & know the symbols for it, mainly the weight that I can't memorise but I easily remember that carbon is 12.01 & oxygen is 15.99 =)

If you can think of anything else for me to add tell me XD

i have to wonder about the uni you go too..
waves hello, also from the east coast of australia
113 years, 6 months & 2 days ago 26th Jun 2011 04:16
Hm.... Your name is Leia, isn't it? =O
114 years, 3 months & 7 days ago 20th Sep 2010 10:44
You sound nice (:
114 years, 7 months & 7 days ago 22nd May 2010 05:03
=P be jealous Dave
115 years, 3 months & 22 days ago 5th Sep 2009 07:37
Hi Lena!
You have a nice belly button =P
115 years, 3 months & 24 days ago 3rd Sep 2009 08:57
yew know few americans have tasted pies ..
wel something like that
115 years, 3 months & 27 days ago 31st Aug 2009 04:25
Ohh i knew it!<.>

Well Hai im Moses xD

(and dont lies xD your Yoda and i know it xD okehy?)
115 years, 3 months & 27 days ago 31st Aug 2009 04:24
Yes I am Jesus XD

I don't know, who have you been looking at?
115 years, 4 months & 6 days ago 21st Aug 2009 05:36
115 years, 4 months & 8 days ago 19th Aug 2009 02:01
Your green and wrinkled o_O

Then who have I been drooling at?
115 years, 4 months & 11 days ago 16th Aug 2009 04:57
  1. Stuff from people & graphics I've bought
    6th Dec 2010 17:43
    14 years & 20 days ago
  2. SCDH10: EFC
    5th Nov 2010 08:45
    14 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
  3. SCDH10: COK Prizes Sign Up
    2nd Nov 2010 23:39
    14 years, 1 month & 23 days ago
  4. Red Star O.O
    21st Jul 2010 23:53
    14 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
  5. Recent status - look at the last paragraph
    27th Dec 2009 07:44
    15 years ago
  6. Blog #276190
    6th Dec 2009 03:06
    15 years & 21 days ago
  7. SCDH09: W&W Prizes Sign up
    3rd Nov 2009 19:22
    15 years, 1 month & 22 days ago
  8. SPAM CHAT DOES HALLOWEEN '09 - Finished
    19th Oct 2009 22:37
    15 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
  9. SCDH09: W&W Harry Potter Character Sign-Up
    19th Oct 2009 22:26
    15 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
  10. Future Pets
    13th Aug 2009 03:58
    15 years, 4 months & 14 days ago