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  1. Stuff from people & graphics I've bought
    6th Dec 2010 17:43
    14 years & 21 days ago
  2. SCDH10: EFC
    5th Nov 2010 08:45
    14 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
  3. SCDH10: COK Prizes Sign Up
    2nd Nov 2010 23:39
    14 years, 1 month & 23 days ago
  4. Red Star O.O
    21st Jul 2010 23:53
    14 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
  5. Recent status - look at the last paragraph
    27th Dec 2009 07:44
    15 years ago
  6. Blog #276190
    6th Dec 2009 03:06
    15 years & 21 days ago
  7. SCDH09: W&W Prizes Sign up
    3rd Nov 2009 19:22
    15 years, 1 month & 23 days ago
  8. SPAM CHAT DOES HALLOWEEN '09 - Finished
    19th Oct 2009 22:37
    15 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  9. SCDH09: W&W Harry Potter Character Sign-Up
    19th Oct 2009 22:26
    15 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  10. Future Pets
    13th Aug 2009 03:58
    15 years, 4 months & 14 days ago
Things you probably didn't know about me...
15 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
20th Apr 2009 04:34

I was bored & thought I might make this.
My real name isn't Lena but I use it online all the time, kinda like a nickname but my real name is the same amount of letters.
I am 19 & was born in February on a cold, rainy sunday.
I have brown eyes & blonde/brown hair.
I go to uni & am doing a Bachelor of Science majoring in biology & interested in chemistry as well.
My best friends name is Hayley who has an account on here.
My boyfriends name is Bill & has an account & lives 10hrs away from me (long distance relationship).
I am a really shy person irl.
I have 2 cats (gypsy & bandit), 1 bird (Kara), 10 fish inside (Moe, Fiiiishy, Ball, Spike, Angel, Dyson, Oz, McLeod, RANDO! & Spot) & 4 outside with one with a name called Hoover.
My real name is from Star Wars cool.gif
I have a really low self esteem so tend to put myself down a lot (don't say that I am pretty or anything 'cause I will deny it =P).
I have a younger sister who is 16 & really prefers to talk with friends than play on a pet site (I don't know why XD).
I am really addicted to marapets, I doubt I will ever leave 'cause I am always thinking about it (grave robbing mainly).
I live on the east coast of Australia.
I share a room with my sister (I have the top bunk *dances*)
I have always wanted to play the guitar & learn Japanese.
I want to become a science teacher after uni.
I plan on one day meeting all my closest mara friends (Sha, Labby, Lex, Zoe, Jae I will find out where you live =P, X, Sofa, Alex & a few others I can't think of right now.
I don't like friend requests from random people 'cause I think it should be for your friends not just a number.
Ask me a question & I will most likely answer it.
I have no religion as I was raised to need proof before coming to a conclusion but I accept all religions & love learning about others.
I have had my learners for almost 2 years now & only ever had 2 driving lessons -_- if I don't get my Red P's before next year then I have to get my learners again so I have to do more driving.
I wore pants to my yr10 formal to prove that girls don't have to wear dresses to formals.
I prefer to wear pants, more comfortable. I only own two dresses & they were the ones to choose from for my formal.
My style is 'comfortable' if it isn't comfortable I wont wear it.
I have mild asthma.
I don't smoke or take drugs (they are all bad so don't do it).
I only drink socially or with my parents & it mainly is white wine but my fave is probably tequilla <3
I am a good girl, rarely break the rules (my friends want to change that =P)
My fave pet on mara is Ercuw then it is a Fasoro then Lati.
I loooove collecting things, the mass thing I collect is tanning salon tickets.
I get more talkative when I have had a little bit of alcohol than normal, never been drunk either =)
My Fave colour is Blue.
I am too nice for my own good -_-
I like vanilla ice cream but prefer caramel milkshakes.
Possibly my fave fruit is passion fruit, its yummy, also not much work required.
Yes I am lazy XD
I don't have a job, why should I? My parents will support me whilst I am at uni & I am busy enough as it is why make t worse? Also I am lazy =P
I like fire, I have heaps of candles, some have pretty smells in them. The smell of the burnt wicks is nice too...
I love animals, when I was little I wanted to be a dolphin trainer before I realised I would have to leave home, then I wanted to be a vet, then I realised I would have to wake up early... again lazy XD
I also wanted to be a forensic scientist but I found out it is really hard to get a job, recently I found out I don't like large amounts of blood so it is probably best I didn't pursue that.
When I get older I want kids, only one or 2 I think, I find little ones adorable =) but definitely gonna wait till I find the right person to settle down with.
I accept basically anyone with what they do, I don't care what they do it is their choice... but if it is gonna hurt them then I try to talk them out of it XD
I care about my friends a lot, so you hurt them you might have me knocking down your door.
The club I am in is the 2nd club I joined when I started on mara, the first one got deleted. I am proud to be part of Mara:Force & was ecstatic when I was asked to be a moderator... note to self, go to club chat more...
I am forgetful sometimes, don't know why I think it might be either I think about too many things so some just slip out of my head or it has to do with the fact that that it is hereditary...
The bronze AU I got was from saved up credits, got a new female certificate the same way too... the gold one I got with my own money ^_^
I don't say g'day or mate often but I know what budgie smugglers are smile.gif
I use aussie slang often without realising it...
I love science, seriously I have a gadget on my laptop with vista has that is a periodic table, also have a periodic table in my wallet... but generally don't use it 'cause I can look at chemicals & know the symbols for it, mainly the weight that I can't memorise but I easily remember that carbon is 12.01 & oxygen is 15.99 =)

If you can think of anything else for me to add tell me XD


A nice kitten at that ;-;

I made a small tv show, was meant to be on a community channel... I won a game of marbles against my cousin
115 years, 7 months & 8 days ago 20th May 2009 01:25
I am a good girl, rarely break the rules (my friends want to change that =P)
115 years, 7 months & 10 days ago 18th May 2009 04:07
ya you might but we will never know will we? XD

Tv always makes people look hawt, I will never be on tv so will never look hawt so there =P
115 years, 7 months & 13 days ago 15th May 2009 02:54
Hey I might live near you I live in NSW
115 years, 7 months & 14 days ago 14th May 2009 00:59
Umm either spaying or neutering.
We still call it that here but it isn't as common. Also it depends on gender to what you do for the animal there. Desexing an animal is universal to gender XD

No she is definitely more hawt than me.
115 years, 7 months & 19 days ago 9th May 2009 09:26
  1. Stuff from people & graphics I've bought
    6th Dec 2010 17:43
    14 years & 21 days ago
  2. SCDH10: EFC
    5th Nov 2010 08:45
    14 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
  3. SCDH10: COK Prizes Sign Up
    2nd Nov 2010 23:39
    14 years, 1 month & 23 days ago
  4. Red Star O.O
    21st Jul 2010 23:53
    14 years, 5 months & 7 days ago
  5. Recent status - look at the last paragraph
    27th Dec 2009 07:44
    15 years ago
  6. Blog #276190
    6th Dec 2009 03:06
    15 years & 21 days ago
  7. SCDH09: W&W Prizes Sign up
    3rd Nov 2009 19:22
    15 years, 1 month & 23 days ago
  8. SPAM CHAT DOES HALLOWEEN '09 - Finished
    19th Oct 2009 22:37
    15 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  9. SCDH09: W&W Harry Potter Character Sign-Up
    19th Oct 2009 22:26
    15 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  10. Future Pets
    13th Aug 2009 03:58
    15 years, 4 months & 14 days ago