Previous Pets
6 years, 1 month & 18 days ago
8th Nov 2018 03:52 Orforce - Radioactive Ideus - given to AuraQueen
Clinical - Injured Bolimo - traded to aaronjohn
Wrestling - Injured Renat - given to ??
Terribly - Bronze Addow - given to Drimley
Cherophobia - Eleka Snookle - given to mythmyjo
Serotine - Bootleg Vlad - given to goddesswisdom
Baths - Minipet Ideus - given to SnowStrawberryLim
Unsuccessful - Baby Tantua - given to ??
Cellulite - Invisible Gonk - disowned
Burdened - Lava Hump - traded to mikeandjen
Hindered - Baby Limax - traded to mikeandjen
Vaporised - Invisible Astro - traded to mikeandjen
ah_harrow - Chinese Gonk - auctioned to husky230
Linguinne - Coral Astro - disowned - stevez
Tarps - Olive Astro - disowned - Enna
Mocked - Prison Yuni - given to 5SecondsOfJessie
Unzipped - Insideout Kujo - given to Foot
Fued - Blue Equilor - auctioned to MelaShen
Credits - Party Addow - auctioned to PatrickSeal
Outraged - Sketch Yuni - given to Ejit123
Tormented - Violet Speiro - given to WolfRevolution
Difficulty - Spring Vlad - disowned - Paissa
Seeding - Spring Eyru - traded to Minipet
Groomed - Mutant Rusty- given to lorraineparkx
Stethoscope - Blue Addow - given to Honesty
Unavailable - Lava Vixen - given to Maratropolis