10 years, 9 months & 21 days ago

8th Jun 2014 12:21
Costume Prices

Regarding My Pets.
15 years, 7 months & 11 days ago

17th Aug 2009 19:52
They are Not For trade.
It took me alot of time to Get them the way they are at the moment,I love evrything about each and evryone of them.
Dachshund Love.
16 years, 3 months & 9 days ago

19th Dec 2008 18:39
I wrote this so please DO NOT steal.
The dachshund is full of love, Speacial love.Somewhere in thier long bodies,Mosy likly in there hearts,Their love is created.Their love is strong and speacial.Its like no love ever felt before.The love of a dachshud, the charm and their special ability,the ability to love unconditionaly no matter what.They are the most amazing friends,the most loyal, and the most thoughtful.They are docile and charming.Full of life and curiosity.They have almond shaped eyes and long droopy ears,Whats not to love?The love you get from a dachshund will last forever,Even when they go up to heaven,the golden gates,The place were Pure hearts and speacial friend will meet again and live togther forever.I will Always love my Dachshund,Daisy.No one can take our love for each other away.