My Pets <3
5 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
16th Apr 2019 07:47 *
Almaraana Al-ma-ran-ah (Alma) will always be a female Chibs
(Barca) will always be a female Doyle
Bartillia Bar-till-e-ah (Barta) will always be a female Addow
Bonnalita Bon-ah-leet-ah (Bon) will always be a female Sindi
Cebon Sebb-on (Ceb) will either be a male Azul or Feliz
Escarto Ess-car-toe (Carto) will either be a male Renant or Figaro
Exzyron Ex-zigh-ron (Zy) will either be a male Speiro or Crindol
Fehlizza Fehh-lee-zah (Lizza) will always be a female Fasoro
Madraabaaren Mad-rah-bare-in (Madra) will always be a male Murfin
Mathallia Math-ah-lee-ah (Math) will always be a female Osafo
Renzeldon Ren-zell-done (Renzo) will either be a male Gizmo, Rofling, or Jessup
Xaabaar Ex-ah-bar (Exi) will always be a male Newth
Xorianthon Zo-re-an-thon (Zori) will always be a male Xoi