Tableaus Temple
4 years, 2 months & 18 days ago
6th Oct 2020 20:18 I'd done it twice but I didn't remember what avatar that I added because I didn't record it so yeah this start from my 3rd times
4 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
11th Jun 2020 06:03 Congratulations! You matched 4 Corners at Bingo and won 8,659MP.
LTB Toys for Avvies
4 years & 7 months ago
28th May 2020 10:31 I need to get Carpenter fix first before I want to borrow these toys:
1. Evil Clown Plushie (Have 1 in attic)
2. Bride Doll
3. Groom Doll
4. London Bus
5. Lucky Horseshoe (Buyable from SS)
6. Snowman Candle
7. Frozen Advent Wreath
8. Ms Claus Plushie
9. Game Brick
10. Mummy Plushie
Trophy Win
4 years, 7 months & 26 days ago
2nd May 2020 09:34 30/4/20
Congratulations! You have been awarded a Gold Circus Trophy for your profile
Congratulations! You have just received a Gold Trophy for your Waffle Wobble score.