16 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
15th Mar 2008 22:40 These are my goals i am planning to get
1 l.e --zimbra my phanty-- (x)
100 000 mp (x)
1 000 000 mp (x)
Do tarquin (lost dunno how o'well thats life i guess.)
Do Troll (Just lost lately because of needing to get a banjo.)
Do blitzen ( i am currently lvl 13 of blitzen going strong only used 11k so far on it.)
So there are my mara goals for this year and gl to all other maraplayers =??
16 years, 11 months & 10 days ago
16th Jan 2008 19:20 ..._...|..________________, ,
....../ `---________----_____|] = [???)
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), --\"
..//___// BACK OFF BEGGERS!!!!
.//___// ...
peace no stealing
16 years, 11 months & 11 days ago
16th Jan 2008 17:06 ????????????????????????
???????????? /???/
????????? /???/????????????
??????????????????????????????PEACE ALL
???????????????????????????... ...... ......
?? Copyrite protect 2008 - cbstriker all stealers will be prosecuted
*** L.E PET PRICES ***
16 years, 11 months & 11 days ago
15th Jan 2008 20:16 Poera 300 - 600k
Daisy 330k
Phanty 450 - 550k
Zoink 500 - 700k
Huthiq 600 - 700k
Kronk 700 - 800k
Oglue 1mil
Snookle 2 - 2.5 mil
Dakota 2.9 - 3 mil
Quell 3.3 mil
Lati 4 - 5 mil
Chibs 4 - 5 mil
Yuni 5 - 6 mil
Sindi 6 - 7 mil
Mordo 7 mil
Ercuw 7 - 8 mil
Viotto 8+ mil
Rofling 12 mil
5-20+ Phanty, Daisy, Poera, and Huthiq
25+ Kronk, Oglue, and Zoink
30+ Snookle
35+ Quell
40-50+ Lati, Chibs, and Sindi
100+ Yuni, Mordo, and Ercuw
130+ Viotto
150+ Rofling
?? anyone caught using my blogs/info will be prosectued!
alt codes..
17 years & 8 days ago
19th Dec 2007 19:53 Alt Codes...
1- ???
2- ???
3- ???
4- ???
5- ???
6- ???
7- ???
8- ???
9- ???
10- ???
11- ???
12- ???
13- ???
14- ???
15- ???
16- ???
17- ???
18- ???
19- ???
20- ??
21- ??
22- ???
23- ???
24- ???
25- ???
26- ???
27- ???
28- ???
29- ???
30- ???
31- ???
33- !
34- "
35- Y
36- $
37- %
38- &
39- '
40- (
41- )
42- *
43- +
44- ,
45- -
46- .
?? anyone caught using my blogs/info will be prosecuted