1st Rusty Mission Completed
15 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
19th Aug 2009 21:23 1. Purple Minnoth Skull (798 mp from usershop) and Orange Sabertooth Femur (1,790 mp from usershop); Country Potato
2. Red Sabertooth Skull (2,195 mp from usershop) and Blue Minnoth Tailbone (attic); 100 mp
3. Blue Hund Skull and Green Minnoth Skull (attic); Rusty Twins Shirt
4. Orange Sabertooth Femur (1,690 mp from usershop) and Purple Sabertooth Femur (3,999 mp from usershop); 200 mp
5. Blue Hund Thorax (500 mp from usershop) and White Minnoth Humerus (17,499 mp from usershop); 250 mp
6. Red Minnoth Ribs (attic), Grey Sabertooth Femur (850 mp from usershop), and Red Sabertooth Skull (1,000 mp from usershop); 500 mp
7. White Sabertooth Thorax (19,949 mp from usershop), Black Sabertooth Thorax (1,000 mp from usershop), and Green Hund Thorax (attic); 600 mp
8. Purple Sabertoothtail Bone (495 mp from usershop), White Sabertooth Thorax (1,997 mp from usershop), and Pink Sabertoothtail Bone (724 mp from usershop); Glass Sword
9. Green Minnoth Humerus (attic), Grey Sabertooth Femur (3,798 mp from usershop), and Yellow Minnoth Humerus (990 mp from usershop); 850 mp
10. Green Hund Femur (150 mp from usershop), Yellow Minnoth Ribs (895 mp from usershop), and Grey Hund Skull (400 mp from usershop); 1,000 mp
11. Blue Hund Femur (198 mp from usershop), Orange Minnoth Ribs (530 mp from usershop), and Blue Hund Thorax (209 mp from usershop); 1,100 mp
12. Blue Hund Skull (2,000 mp from usershop), Green Hund Femur (675 mp from usershop), and White Sabertooth Skull (8,980 mp from usershop); Can Collecting
13. Green Hund Skull (434 mp from usershop), Grey Hund Skull (989 mp from usershop), and Grey Minnoth Femur (274 mp from usershop); 1,200 mp
14. Grey Hund Femur (200 mp from usershop), Black Minnoth Skull (attic), and Purple Hund Humerus (1,000 mp from usershop); 1,200 mp
15. Blue Minnoth Tail Bone (300 mp from usershop), Yellow Minnoth Ribs (998 mp from usershop), and Grey SabertoothTail Bone (6,449 mp from usershop); 1,300 mp
16. Can of Roses (750 mp from usershop) and Can of Bones (1,149 mp from usershop); 1,500 mp
17. Can of Apples (747 mp from usershop) and Can of Sand (697 mp from usershop); Glass Shield
18. Can of Grapes (428 mp from usershop) and Can of Apples (739 mp from usershop); 2,500 mp
19. Can of Pickled Eggs (900 mp from usershop) and Can of Bones (attic); 5,000 mp
20. Can of Pear (398 mp from usershop) and Can of Grapes (699 mp from usershop); 10,000 mp
21. Can of Roses, Can of Fish Eyes, and Can of Grapes (attic); Rusty Twins Plushie
22. Can of Fish, Can of Blue Radish, and Can of Fish Eyes (attic); 25,000 mp
23. Two Cans of Tomatoes (699 mp and 700 mp from usershops) and Can of Chicken Wings (attic); 30,000 mp
24. Can of Snakes, Can of Fish, and Can of Peach (attic); Glass Avatar and Glass Costume
25. Can of Eggs (attic), Can of Snakes (attic), and Can of Chicken Wings (840 mp from usershop); 40,000 mp
26. Roast Pork (20 dc), Ice Cream and Candy (30 dc), and Creamy Leek Soup (20 dc); 50,000 mp
27. Spaghetti and Meatballs (25 dc), Ice Cream and Candy (30 dc), and Spaghetti Bolognese (20 dc); Rusty Twins Stamp
28. Three Apple Crumbles (20 dc each); 75,000 mp
29. Lasagne (15 dc), Ice Cream and Candy (30 dc), and Spaghetti Bolognese (20 dc); Canning Book
30. Fish and Chips (10 dc), Roast Pork (20 dc), and Ice Cream and Candy (30 dc); Rusty Twins Avatar, Blue Rusty Potion, and 100,000 mp
1. Orange Hund Tail (45 mp from usershop) and Purple Sabertooth Humerus (2,875 mp from usershop); Country Potato
2. Yellow Hund Skull (attic) and Black Minnoth Humerus (596 mp from usershop); 100 mp
3. Pink Minnoth Skull and Yellow Hund Thorax (attic); Rusty Twins Shirt
4. Blue Sabertooth Humerus (254 mp from usershop) and Red Minnoth Ribs (900 mp from usershop); 200 mp
5. Black Hund Tail (20 mp from usershop) and Green Minnoth Femur (400 mp from usershop); 250 mp
6. Green Minnoth Femur (attic), Orange Sabertooth Skull (290 mp from usershop), and Yellow Minnoth Tail Bone (attic); 500 mp
7. Yellow Sabertooth Femur (attic), Black Minnoth Femur (50 mp from usershop), and Yellow Minnoth Humerus (99 mp from usershop); 600 mp
8. Grey Minnoth Tail Bone (attic), White Hund Thorax (19,982 mp from usershop), and Red Sabertooth Skull (2,000 mp from usershop); Glass Sword
9. Black Minnoth Humerus (1,000 mp from usershop), Yellow Minnoth Ribs (277 mp from usershop), and Green Minnoth Humerus (attic); 850 mp
10. Grey Hund Femur (attic), White Sabertooth Thorax (19,965 mp from usershop), and Yellow Hund Skull (89 mp from usershop); 1,000 mp
11. White Minnoth Femur (attic), Grey Minnoth Ribs (attic), and Purple Hund Skull (2,000 mp from usershop); 1,100 mp
12. Pink Hund Tail (38 mp from usershop), White Hund Humerus (66,000 mp from usershop), and Pink Hund Thorax (870 mp from usershop); Can Collecting
13. Pink Sabertooth Thorax (attic), Orange Hund Thorax (attic), and Black Minnoth Ribs (1,199 mp from usershop); 1,200 mp
14. Red Hund Humerus (attic), Pink Minnoth Tail Bone (499 mp from usershop), and Purple Minnoth Humerus (attic); 1,200 mp
15. Red Hund Tail (399 mp from usershop), Red Minnoth Tail Bone and Red SabertoothTail Bone (attic); 1,300 mp
16. Two Cans of Eggs (attic, 750 mp from usershop); 1,500 mp
17. Can of Apples (attic) and Can of Grapes (304 mp from usershop); Glass Shield
18. Can of Roses and Can of Blue Radish (attic); 2,500 mp
19. Can of Blue Radish (500 mp from usershop) and Can of Sand (attic); 5,000 mp
20. Can of Onions and Can of Carrots (attic); 10,000 mp
21. Can of Carrots, Can of Tomatoes (attic), and Can of Blue Radish (770 mp from usershop); Rusty Twins Plushie
22. Can of Roses (912 mp from Canned Food Shop), Can of Grapes (298 mp from usershop), and Can of Roses(10,000 mp from usershop); 25,000 mp
23. Can of Snakes (attic), Can of Eggs (399 mp from usershop), and Can of Snakes (795 mp from usershop); 30,000 mp
24. Can of Tomatoes (attic), Can of Onions (439 mp from usershop), and Can of Fish Eyes (attic); Glass Costume
25. Can of Roses, Can of Peas (attic), and Can of Asparagus (722 mp from usershop); 40,000 mp
26. Creamy Leek Soup (20 dc), Apple Crumble (20 dc), and Easter Egg in a Cup (7 dc); 50,000 mp
27. Lemon Fish Steak (attic), Fish and Chips (10), and Lasagne (15 dc); Rusty Twins Stamp
28. Lemon Fish Steak (8 dc), Roast Pork (20 dc), and Lemon Fish Steak (8 dc); 75,000 mp
29. Easter Egg in a Cup (7 dc), Spaghetti and Meatballs (25 dc), and Fish and Chips (10 dc); Canning Book
30. Lasagne (15 dc), Easter Egg in a Cup (7 dc), and Duck with Sauce (9 dc); Yellow Rusty Potion and 100,000 mp--completed July 23, 2010
1. Grey Pythonix Pelvis (450 mp from usershop) and Blue Sabertooth Skull (1,995 mp from usershop); Country Potato
2. White Deino Skull (30,998 mp from usershop) and Blue Pythonix Lumbar (3,795 mp from usershop); 100 mp
3. Grey Pythonix Lumbar (5,750 mp from usershop) and Pink Minnoth Skull (attic); Rusty Twins Shirt
4. White Sabertooth Thorax (80,000 mp from usershop) and Green Minnoth Ribs (1,289 mp from usershop); 200 mp
5. Blue Minnoth Humerus (attic) and Pink Sabertooth Thorax (3,500 mp from usershop); 250 mp
6. Green Stego Femur (16,143 mp from usershop), Purple Dracorex Wings (597 mp from usershop), and Grey Hund Tail (attic); 500 mp
7. Purple SabertoothTail Bone (14,995 mp from usershop), Yellow Deino Tail Bone (2,999 mp from usershop), and White Deino Femur (40,000 mp from usershop); 600 mp
8. Black Dracorex Wings (4,980 mp from usershop), Green Minnoth Humerus (1,190 mp from usershop), and Yellow Minnoth Tail Bone (2,000 mp from usershop); Glass Sword
9. Blue Deino Back Bone (5,489 mp from usershop), Pink Pythonix Neck (999 mp from usershop), and Orange Dracorex Ribs (150 mp from usershop); 850 mp
10. Pink Deino Tail Bone (61,000 mp from usershop), Purple Deino Humerus (9,000 mp from usershop), and Grey Minnoth Tail Bone (998 mp from usershop); 1,000 mp
11. Grey Stego Ribs (95,000 mp from usershop), Green Stego Humerus (attic), and Red Minnoth Ribs (2,999 mp from usershop); 1,100 mp
12. Red Stego Skull (28,000 mp from usershop), Yellow Pythonix Pelvis (2,979 mp from usershop), and Red Hund Thorax (attic); Can Collecting
13. Green Pythonix Thoracic (1,150 mp from usershop), Green Dracorex Femur (1,960 mp from usershop), and Green Sabertooth Tail Bone (15,494 mp from usershop); 1,200 mp
14. Yellow Stego Tail Bone (124,990 mp from usershop), Green Stego Tail Bone (8,000 mp from usershop), and Red Deino Femur (60,000 mp from usershop); 1,200 mp
15. Yellow Dracorex Humerus (998 mp from usershop), Red Minnoth Humerus (attic), and Blue Hund Humerus (1,688 mp from usershop); 1,300 mp
16. Can of Pear (attic) and Can of Fish Eyes (780 mp from Canned Food Shop); 1,500 mp
17. Can of Grapes (833 mp from Canned Food Shop) and Can of Asparagus (800 mp from Canned Food Shop); Glass Shield
18. Can of Pear x 2 (attic); 2,500 mp
19. Can of Peas (896 mp from Canned Food Shop) and Can of Carrots (1,767 mp from usershop); 5,000 mp
20. Can of Peach (attic) and Can of Blue Radish (778 mp from Canned Food Shop); 10,000 mp
21. Can of Bones (attic), Can of Pickled Eggs (attic), and Can of Grapes (833 mp from Canned Food Shop); Rusty Twins Plushie
22. Can of Carrots (1,497 mp from usershop), Can of Grapes (500 mp from usershop), and Can of Blue Radish (775 mp from Canned Food Shop); 25,000 mp
23. Can of Roses (1,389 mp from usershop), Can of Carrots (5,990 mp from usershop), and Can of Eggs (1,499 mp from usershop); 30,000 mp
24. Can of Onions (989 mp from usershop), Can of Peach (3,496 mp from usershop), and Can of Chicken Wings (attic); Glass Costume
25. Can of Apples (attic), Can of Blue Radish (attic), and Can of Apples (890 mp from usershop); 40,000 mp
26. Easter Egg in a Cup (two at 7 dc each) and Apple Crumble (20 dc); 50,000 mp
27. Fish and Chips (10 dc), Spaghetti Bolognese (20 dc), and Spaghetti and Meatballs (25 dc); Rusty Twins Stamp
28. Fish and Chips (10 dc), Roast Pork (20 dc), and Corned Beef and Vegetables (40 dc); 75,000 mp
29. Lasagne (15 dc), Lemon Fish Steak (8 dc), and Spaghetti and Meatballs (25 dc); Canning Book
30. Easter Egg in a Cup (7 dc), Blood Sausages (10 dc), and Roast Pork (10 dc); Red Rusty Potion and 100,000 mp--completed Sunday, March 27, 2011