Stingrays, also my favorite animal, have only killed 20 humans since 1945. They get a bad rap due to the loss of Steve Irwin (RIP). Not all rays have barbs; some have electric organs, and some (like manta rays) have no defense other than their size and speed. Manta rays can grow up to around 23 feet wide, while the largest stingray is the Giant Freshwater Stingray, weighing in at over 650lbs!
Stingrays, also my favorite animal, have only killed 20 humans since 1945. They get a bad rap due to the loss of Steve Irwin (RIP). Not all rays have barbs; some have electric organs, and some (like manta rays) have no defense other than their size and speed. Manta rays can grow up to around 23 feet wide, while the largest stingray is the Giant Freshwater Stingray, weighing in at over 650lbs!