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I am the Second Born of my human and love celebrations and events. I was born just days after my sister and thus also ended up with a bad initial name - Neobute but thankfully my human changed it on 6th June 2021 to LaetitiaTemporum - after the Roman Goddess of happiness, joy and celebrations, my name is when she is in the perssonification of Goddess of Rare Occassions/Celebrations.
LaetitiaTemporum the Seasonal Reese
18 years, 6 months & 7 days OldBorn 27th Aug 2006 22:56

Level 3 Journalist earning 300MP a day

Job Promotion earning 350MP a day
Level 10  Speed 20  Charisma 4  Language 20  History 7  Geography 6  CDs 4  Books 6