Hey there! That awesome drawing up there on my profile was drawn by the
awesome @AKPOP1010. It looks awesome, doesn't it?
Oh by the way, I'm a minipet pet with minipets (try saying that 10 times fast)! I am available
for lending if you need the Damaged (aged), Tefty (make a plate), or Weep (make a plate) avatars.
Thanks for taking the time to read my profile (you must be really bored!) and see you
Hey there! That awesome drawing up there on my profile was drawn by the
awesome @AKPOP1010. It looks awesome, doesn't it?
Oh by the way, I'm a minipet pet with minipets (try saying that 10 times fast)! I am available
for lending if you need the Damaged (aged), Tefty (make a plate), or Weep (make a plate) avatars.
Thanks for taking the time to read my profile (you must be really bored!) and see you