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Marapets is mobile friendly
On Vacation
It’s here again.
Has it been a year?
Beelzebub taunts
Dangling coveted gifts
Grovelling minions obey
They know not who I am.
To hide behind a mask,
They cannot see the fear.
I hide so they cannot see
I am the mask.
I hide behind the mask.
I stalk.
I stalk the other players
and they do not even see me
I hide behind the mask
The chosen few
who beg Elger
for a Vile Cauldron Brew
Pumpkins manifest abruptly
Kick them
Kick the pumpkins and win.
A cache of treasures acquired.
Jasper wants to play.
A Snowman possessed.
I wear the mask
I am not afraid
Venture into the Undying Woods.
Visit the Pumpkin of Gold
See the time at the cursed clock tower.
I am not afraid
I wear the mask
Is it yet another year?