LE Pet Prices
16 years, 11 months & 12 days ago
31st Jan 2008 14:25 LE Price Maker Guide
UPDATED 6-28-09
So here are the current values of each LE pet.
NOTE this is just for reference. It is easy to find any price on a LE maker if you take the time to look through trades.
IF your offering on a non statted LE.
This is only the cost of making the LE pets, this DOES NOT include the worth once the pet has stats,
books, cds, dvds, costume, etc.
NOW how much value all these extras add, well thats when you ask for links to see the books, cds, dvds, etc.
If they are only the ones from shop search or main shops, then do some research and
find out a total. NEVER rush into a pet trade. Always know what your getting
(get the links for everything pertaining to that pet/pets).
Once stats are added then the value goes up. Also this does not include the worth of a rare costume that may be on a LE pet.
Please use the PC forums for a current price on a particular costume.
Then add that to the value of the pet.
Arnya 1.6-3 Million MP
Chibs 5 Million MP
Daisy 500k MP
Dakota 4.5 Million+ MP
Ercuw 4-5 Million+ MP
Gizmo 4-4.5 Million MP
Huthiq 1 Million MP
Ike 6.5-7 Million MP
Kronk 1.5-2 Million MP
Lati 4-4.5 Million+ MP
Mordo 3 Million MP
Nino 4.5 Million MP
Oglue 1.2 Million MP
Phanty 1 Million MP
Poera 950k MP
Quell 4.5-5 Million MP
Rofling 25 Million+ MP
Rusty 2.5 Million MP
Sindi 5-6 Million+ MP
Snookle 4.5 Million+ MP
Tasi 4-4.5 Million MP
Troit 3 Million MP
Viotto 10 Million+ MP
Yuni 7-8 Million+ MP
Zoink 1.2 Million MP
Zoosh 2 Million MP
Costume Estimated Value
Angel 25 Million+ MP
Anime 600k+ MP
Armoured 850k MP
Baby 35 Million MP
Balloon 600k MP
Burnt 23k MP
Camouflage 8 Million MP
Checkered 9-14 Million MP
Cheese 5-10 Million MP
Chinese 1.7-2 Million MP
Chocolate 1 Million + MP
Christmas 850k-2 Million MP
Clown 145k MP
Cotton Candy 1 Million MP
Cowboy 1 Million MP
Dark 15 Million MP
Devil 875k-1Million MP
Digital 73k MP
Earth Fairy 1.5 Million MP
Easter 300k+ MP
Eleka 1.5-2 Million MP
Elf 3-5 Million+ MP
Emo 650k+ MP
Enpiah 1 Million MP
Explorer 750k MP
Fairy 10 Million MP
Fat 338k
Fire 10 Million+ MP
Fire Fairy 1.5 Million MP
Funky 650k+ MP
Furry 600k MP
Geek 1.5 Million MP
Ghost 415k MP
Gingerbread 800k MP
Glass 200k MP
Goblin 1.5 Million MP
Gothic 10+ Million MP
Halloween 4 Million MP
Hobo 13 Million MP
Ice 750k+ MP
Ice Fairy 1.5 Milllion MP
Insideout 700k+ MP
Leprechaun 800k MP
Light 700k+ MP
Lightning 700k+ MP
Love 10 Million MP
Mermaid 25 Million MP
Midnight 349k+ MP
Millionaire 700k MP
Mutant Make DNA Mini
Musical 148k MP
Mummy Use Mummy Doll
Nefarious 695k+ MP
Ninja 130k MP
Old 25 Million MP
Pirate 1.5 Million MP
Pixie 700k+ MP
Plant 344k MP
Plushie 394k MP
Princess 228k MP
Prison Gotten at Prison
Punk 1 Million MP
Rainbow 20 Million+ MP
Recycled 384k MP
Robot 900k+ MP
Rotten 196k MP
Royal 7-10 Million MP
School 238k MP
Seasonal 50 Million+
Shaved 40k MP
Simerian 700k MP
Skater 700k+ MP
Skeleton 299k MP
Sketch 253k MP
Skinny 178k MP
Slime 237k+ MP
Snow 200k+ MP
Snowman 700k MP
Space Fairy 495k MP
Space 160k MP
Sparkle 600k+ MP
Sponge 50k MP
Starry 6-10 Million MP
Stoneage 3 Milion+ MP
Superhero 225k MP
Toddler 235k MP
Trailer 1.2 Million MP
Underwater 1.5 Million MP
Undying Fairy 425k MP
Valentine 1.2 Million MP
Vampire 1 Million MP
Voodoo 1 Million MP
Vortex 1.5 Million MP
Water 11 Million MP
Witch 7 Million MP
Wizard 30 Million MP
Zombie Feed Poison
10-15+ Phanty,Poera,Oglue,Daisy
20-25+ Zoink,Kronk,Huthiq
30-35+ Troit,Zoosh, Rusty, Ercuw, Mordo, Arinya
40-45+ Nino, Lati, Dakota, Snookle, Chibs, Tasi, Quell
50-60+ Yuni, Sindi
70-75+ Yuni, Plain Viotto
80-95+ Viotto
150+ Rofling