16 years, 11 months & 14 days ago
30th Jan 2008 04:16 -----00------Plz
----00-00----Put This
---00---00---On Your
---00---00---Profile If
---00---00---You Know
-----000-----Who Died
My grandmother died a month for her 68th birthday.
I alwayes played games with her when I was there or when she was here. I miss her very much.
But Also my Grandfather from my other side of the family died cause of cancer.
Everyday he came at 3 O'clock. So when I came back from school, he was there. Every single day.
That was 5 years... After my other grandmother died, he died a half year later. I saw him 5 years everyday, and now I see him never again.
I love my grandparents very much and I miss them each day.
I also loose a very good friend of mine last year. She was 21 =( We really miss her.
Rest In Peace.