Working Sucks
3 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
13th Sep 2021 16:40 So, I work on cars. I am a techncian. Now, I do not know everything about cars, but that is why I got the job at the place I did. So, this place said they offered training classes, that they would pay me to take. As long as I passed them of course. But, since I have started (about a month ago) I have taken one online class (they're doing them online due to Covid19) And while I was doing an oil change, I put the warranty liquid stuff on it and my training instructor told me "just go from the oil pain down to the bolt. one straight line is all you need." So when I went do my line from the pan down to the bolt, my service manager was like, "What the heck are you doing?" to which I replied "I'm putting the stuff on like I was instructed." to which she said "Don't listen to those guys." Like what....??? So you are telling me not to go by policy? I can't wait for this transfer man. And end rant. Lol.