4 years, 11 months & 11 days ago
3rd Feb 2020 12:28 Hi's friends! Is me, Wuzzlefuzz. I recentley got me very first minipet called Flub. She be a purple pufferfish! And I'm determined to show my owner that me can take care of her. Me's now studying in university for the socialology shcolarship. It's really hard, but it will help me've to become a journalist. I entered the olympics again. I got first in hurdles! But me thinks me've try a new sport like tennis or skateboarding. Or even gymnastics even though me not graceful or me've good balance. Me's owner been bidding on lots of scholarships for me've to use. Me've can't wait to enter the olympics again and go to school for me've first time!
Signign off- Wuzzlefuzz (A.K.A Big Boi)