🎁 Grinch stole Fleekmas
5 years, 1 month & 6 days ago
7th Dec 2019 08:14 Hey hey Fleek fam, I’m Mj!
My 24th birthday just passed a couple weeks ago, and I’ve been playing Mara on and off for years! I recently just got back into playing after quite a long hiatus! My favourite colour is sky blue, pastel blue? And my biggest hobby is eating HAHA. I recently started a social page for all food adventures, because of how much of a foodie I am!
If you take a look at my gallery, you’ll see I’m trying to become the cupcake queen! For my gallery: I collect cupcakes, costumes, and anything heart related! I also just got into my wardrobe (which is why I’m thankful I joined Fleek), so my wardrobe is slowly growing and that makes me so happy!
Mmmm, I have quite a few goals.. mainly being able to change some pets to what the LE pets I envisioned them. I’m planning on turning Capitola into some sort of beach-y/watery Decadal!! And Kealani some sort of Lorius. Ultimately, I want to have one beautiful LE pet permanently for mara events (Christmas, Halloween type activities). Trying to decide between some costumes and what to save for, but I get distracted by all the other cool things on this site. I also really want to grow my wardrobe, because right now it’s just full of mostly the cheaper clothing shop/rack items/makeup! I’m trying my best to do better with my doll's looks! I love wigs, contact lenses, holograms! Anything that really adds/changes the doll!
Honestly, I’ve been gone for so long there’s far too many amazing things that Im not even aware of!! I always wanted to work towards the Galactic/Scorpio/any Treasure chest items, and have been trying to slowly add more to the costumes I have in my gallery! Would appreciate a Giftbox to make my mara-playing a bit easier - missing learnable/gourmet/price order/selfie/missions GB would probably be the most useful to me!
I am honestly the easiest person to please, I am thankful for anything! My favourite holiday is Christmas and so IRL, this is my time!! Hehe