Thanksgiving 2019 Item Log
5 years & 30 days ago
26th Nov 2019 06:29 Number of battles against Plucky: 395
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Acorns (x5)
Apron (x2)
Blue Acorns (x4)
Blueberry Pie (x2)
Book of Pies (x5)
Bunched Skirt (x2)
Canned Corn (x3)
Canned Cranberries (x2)
Cherry Pie
Chocolate Pie (x4)
Colonial Jacket (x5)
Colonial Puff Hat (x3)
Colonial Sweep Wig (x4)
Diamond Jelly (x3)
Green Acorns (x3)
Lovely Sleeves (x3)
Onion Smoothie (x3)
Orange Acorns (x5)
Orange Corn Husks (x3)
Orange Gourd
Pecan Pie (x4)
Poofy Apron Top (x3)
Red Acorns (x6)
Ruby Corn Husks
Yellow Corn Husks (x3)
Yellow Gourd (x4)