Pet Goals
6 years, 1 month & 5 days ago
7th Dec 2018 07:14 -- RayleighGrace the Walee was created today. Named after my daughter born October 2018. Goal is to make her a Nimbus Walee--- Completed 02/05/2018
--on_no_not_u was made into a Cheese Rusty by Elf! So grateful and waiting to rename him! (2018) Renamed to Samsters a few weeks later after my dog. (April 2020, accidently used a junk plushie, gotta get drew passes)
--Hyperthermia needs to change into some fire pet that I like.
--Need to rename awful ones that I made when I was what like 12? lol
--Lasix needs to become water pet or a fat pet (based of my career)
--Cavachon will be a rusty of some sort, probably a basic color like my dog Sammy is
--Eggsulent was created 12/13 and changed into an Easter Zoosh.
--RaisingCanes to become a fat pet. (Troit)
--Pequito to become a minipet
--Gojackets no rename?, just become a bee pet.
--Ohioan become a american pet
--RayDee- to become a bug pet (Lati or Chibs)
--RayBae- baby pet
--EmergenC- Not sure yet