Okay, here's the deal for this event. If you wanna participate comment below. The entry period for this ends on the 16th! (My bday, so bear with me as I send out who you\'re giving a gift to.)
Once I send out who you send your gift to you have until Christmas Eve to get the gift. Price limit: Let's not spend more or less than between 250k-500k. Also it'd be a big help for your Secret Santa if you update your wishlist with things in that price range.
Send your gift sometime between Christmas and New Years, the sooner the better. Remember, this is about giving, not getting. HAVE FUN EVERYONE!!
count me in!
17 years & 10 days ago 16th Dec 2017 16:32
I'm in.
17 years & 14 days ago 13th Dec 2017 08:17
I'll sign up =] (I had to update my wishlist and make sure I was ready to commit to it.)