I do not ignore people. So if I am not responding to a tag/message etc, it means I left Mara up on my computer, but am afk. Sorry!
Taalaa is my collections pet.
Kriegerr is my transform/battle pet
STAFF: I have been playing back and forth on my phone and computer lately. Also my daughter (MasterCat) and I both play from the same house.
~Attention staff: I log into different computers. 2 at my house, sometimes my phone, and when I travel, whatever computer I can get my hands on if I am having Marapets withdrawals. :) My daughter (MasterCat) might use the same Ip address as me. I do not know what that means, but I see people notate it on here. :) We usually play from separate devices, but always same internet.
Sorry about the clutter in the feed the next while guys, planning on fixing my doll challenge blogs to only have 25 dolls each among a few other things I need to fix. :/
AbsolutNormal's challenge: Dress as a Disney Animal
Todd from "Fox and the Hound" [img]http://dolls.marapets.com/images/9071d79ca042c8e6d1ba746fb6898298.png[/img]