What Do you find sales the best in your shop and why ?
I'm Just curious !!!
I Find that some item's sale better than others I know that the crystal's fly off the shelving here and some times the keys do and the ball's of yarn or sometimes the Kamilah code blocks do ??? And Sometimes not so well... Some Plushies go fast also and some of the special items go really fast which is nice ???
@silverrawrsky No worries I understand what you were saying … And I deleted the 3rd comment Its Silly they should have an edit button for comments lol
16 years & 27 days ago 29th Nov 2018 10:33
Also just an fyi quests ask for stuff that is 9000k and under, so if you want more stuff to sell and it's close to that it may serve you to lower the price a tad (not anything crazy).