My Goals (UPDATED)
17 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
12th Oct 2007 18:28 Yes an updated version!
1. Complete Blitzen
2. Get mps to get a Cotton candy sindi potion
3. 400 pieces of clothing in my wardrobe [x]
4. Get 150+ avatars
5. Try and get a type of pixie pet [x]
6. Get more friends (That I will get to know. NOT random requests. Thanks)
7. Get dream pets: Cotton candy Sindi, Ice Viotto, Furry/Midnight Chibs (despite the fact that I dislike chibs), Pixie Snookle, Icefairy Newth, and Lightfairy Yuni
9. Get more goals x__x
My top priority is finishing blitzen then get a cotton candy sindi potion!
Thank you Dezy for helping me accomplish one of my goals