Fire Collection is finally completed!
8 years, 4 months & 1 day ago
14th Sep 2016 02:27 13/09/16 I bought Phospho TC and managed to obtain every fire/devil related item on the site (I think anyway, let me know if I'm missing any)
It was like 10 years ago when I decided to collect these items. I just remember being young (like 12) and wanting to have 'the best collection on the entire site' haha! Saved up for months and months and finally managed to get the Fire Quell Potion from Dooge, who was kind enough to sell me one all that time ago.
A lot of people have helped me out throughout this goal, they know who they are
Hopefully a few more items will be released so I can also grab those, but for now I am very happy at completing this long term goal!