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12:06:32 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Need any help with Mara? Feel free to mail me anytime!

Hi there! Here is some info about me!
Name: Aimee
Marapets birthday: September 15, 2005
Real Birthday: September 18 (I am an Adult)
Maramail: Open
Marapals: Closed due to lending the Baby Avatar

Please feel Free to MM me at anytime! If it is IMP0RTANT, I will always reply! If it is chatspeak or nonsense I will ignore and block!

Don't ask for my pets, items, or mp! I've worked very hard to get to where I am, and so should you! Ask and you will be blocked!

It is far more satisfying to earn your items than to gain them through dishonesty!

Note to staff, I may log in from multiple locations. Also, my family plays on Marapets (although not much anymore). We may send gifts on occasion. Thanks for understanding!

  1. ATM Club: Team Wheel of Fortune Event
    17th Sep 2024 09:55
    3 months, 10 days & 3 hrs ago
  2. Good Bye Gallery Collection
    15th Jun 2024 13:10
    6 months, 11 days & 23 hrs ago
  3. Collection Items Needed
    2nd Jan 2022 11:08
    2 years, 11 months & 24 days ago
  4. List of Sold Items with Prices Jan2022-Ongoing
    2nd Jan 2022 10:57
    2 years, 11 months & 24 days ago
  5. List of Sold Items with Prices 2016-Jan2020
    18th Nov 2016 17:39
    8 years, 1 month & 6 days ago
  6. Collection Tracking by Numbers 2022
    9th Nov 2019 16:29
    5 years, 1 month & 16 days ago
  7. Daily Raffle Winner
    9th Jan 2022 16:49
    2 years, 11 months & 16 days ago
  8. Bingo
    30th Apr 2014 21:30
    10 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
  9. Wonky Pyramid binary code tracking
    8th Dec 2012 16:47
    12 years & 17 days ago
  10. 50 quest profit challenge
    20th Jun 2023 17:49
    1 year, 6 months & 7 days ago
Attic Value Using Attic Pricer
8 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
27th Sep 2016 17:53

I have 267 pages in my attic and I plan on clicking the price check button for every single item, so this may take a while. For example, if I have 50 blue gumballs, I am going to click the price check button 50 times just for that item alone. I am doing this so all the values will be accurate and reflect my attics true value and the true number of items I actually have. I find clicking the price checker button multiple times easier than keeping a running total for those items I have multiples of because the items I have multiples of far outweigh the single items.

I am going to do 4 pages at a time to reduce the amount of mistakes and fatigue of clicking. I will then slowly combine them into a running total. So far I am working on pages 33-36. You can see my grand total so far, below.

Current totals
Pages 1-48
Total Value: 468089582MP | Total Items: 7345 | Unbuyable Items: 454

Working on
Pages 49-52

Please note these totals do not reflect any items in my 21 pages of trades, or in the 48 pages of my gallery.

pages 1-100
Total Value: 1029536994MP | Total Items: 16029 | Unbuyable Items: 1228

Item: 10 Years Book x3
Item: 10 Years Stamp x2
Item: 1000 Easter Egg Recipes
Item: 10th Birthday Female Costume
Item: 10th Birthday Plushie x2
Item: 10th Birthday Potato x4
Item: 10th Birthday Stamp x2
Item: 12th Birthday Stamp x3
Item: 2013 Pumpkin Candy x3
Item: 300 Million Hits Book x3
Item: 5000th Century Tales x3
Item: 8th Birthday Female Costume x2
Item: 8th Birthday Male Costume x2
Item: 8th Birthday Stamp x4
Item: 9th Birthday Female Costume x3
Item: 9th Birthday Luxury Cake
Item: 9th Birthday Male Costume x3
Item: 9th Birthday Songs
Item: Acorn Glowing Egg x7
Item: Acorn Gumball x5
Item: Acorn Pearl x5
Item: Acorn Stamp x2
Item: Addow Easter Egg
Item: Adorab Summoning Stone
Item: Advent Candle Costume
Item: Advent Costume x2
Item: Advent Echlin Plushie
Item: Advent Star Costume
Item: Advent Tree Book x2
Item: Advent Tree Costume x3
Item: Advent Tree Lolly x12
Item: Advent Tree Music x2
Item: Aladdin
Item: Alice Dress
Item: Alice Smock x2
Item: Alien Blaster x3
Item: Alien Gumball
Item: Alien Phone Book x2
Item: Ancient Kamilah Wig
Item: Angel Cake x5
Item: Angel Wig
Item: Angelic Costume x2
Item: Angelic Female Top x2
Item: Angelic Top x2
Item: Anime
Item: Anime Costume
Item: Anime Pearl x2
Item: Anime Potato
Item: Anime Stamp
Item: Anjet x3
Item: Antique Jumper
Item: Antler Crown
Item: Apocalypse Treasure Chest x2
Item: Apollo
Item: Apollo Plushie
Item: Aquarius x20
Item: Aquarius Jacket
Item: Aquarius Pants
Item: Arcade Costume x4
Item: Archangel Costume x2
Item: Archer Boots
Item: Aries Belt x2
Item: Aries Blush
Item: Aries Bodice
Item: Aries Cape x2
Item: Aries Chopped Wig x2
Item: Aries Contact Lenses x4
Item: Aries Eye Shadow x2
Item: Aries Flame Cape
Item: Aries Flame Chopped Wig x3
Item: Aries Flame Skirt
Item: Aries Flaming Hair Extension x2
Item: Aries Hair Extension
Item: Aries Jewel Belt x2
Item: Aries Pants x3
Item: Aries Skirt
Item: Aries Treasure Chest x3
Item: Aries Wig x2
Item: Arinya Ears x2
Item: Arizona x2
Item: Armoured Book x2
Item: Ata x4
Item: Aura
Item: Autumn Book x2
Item: Autumn Costume x2
Item: Autumn Kujo Plushie x5
Item: Autumn Pearl x3
Item: Autumn Potato x2
Item: Autumn Rain Book x2
Item: Aviv x4
Item: Azul Easter Egg
Item: Azul Swarm Trading Card
Item: Baby Angel Wings x3
Item: Baby Demon Wings
Item: Bacon
Item: Bad Chocolate Trading Card x3
Item: Bad Egg Trading Card
Item: Bae Candy Heart
Item: Bah Humbug Sweater
Item: Bailiff Trading Card
Item: Ball Dress Female Costume x2
Item: Ball of Digital Yarn
Item: Ball of Space Yarn
Item: Balloon Beats x2
Item: Balloon Costume
Item: Balloon Potato Chips x2
Item: Balloon Trading Card
Item: Balloonimal
Item: Banalphin x8
Item: Banana Rock Candy x7
Item: Bankrupt Pearl
Item: Bankruptcy Book
Item: Banofee Pie x4
Item: Baspinars Castle Pearl
Item: Bat Cupcake
Item: Bat Tights
Item: Bat Wig
Item: Bat Wings x2
Item: Battle Fairy Booster
Item: Batz x3
Item: Bauble Stamp x8
Item: Baylien
Item: Be My Valentine
Item: Beach Book x2
Item: Beach Glowing Egg x2
Item: Bearger x2
Item: Bed Time Book x2
Item: Bed Time Monsters x2
Item: Bedazzled Arm Bands
Item: Bedazzled Pants
Item: Bedazzled Top x2
Item: Bedazzled Trousers
Item: Bee Costume x2
Item: Bee Potato
Item: Bee Stamp x2
Item: Biala Wig
Item: Billy
Item: Biography of Smuggler
Item: Bittersweet Contact Lenses x4
Item: Bittersweet Wig
Item: Black 9th Birthday Glowing Egg
Item: Black Damask Glowing Egg x2
Item: Black Death Costume x3
Item: Black Easter Egg x2
Item: Black Forest Cake x4
Item: Black Long Santa Dress
Item: Black Tree Overskirt x5
Item: Black Twins Plate x4
Item: Black and White Easter Egg
Item: Blake
Item: Blissaur
Item: Blitzen Costume x2
Item: Blitzen Fasoro Potion x2
Item: Blitzen Horns x27
Item: Blitzen Justin Onesie x3
Item: Blitzen Pearl x2
Item: Blizzard Stamp
Item: Blooble
Item: Blood Glowing Egg x2
Item: Blood Splattered Mouth
Item: Bloody x3
Item: Bloody Head Knife x9
Item: Bloody Wench Dress
Item: Blue 9th Birthday Glowing Egg
Item: Blueberry Gummy Bottle x8
Item: Blueberry Kiwi Ring Pop x2
Item: Bonbon x4
Item: Boo Trading Card x11
Item: Book of Anime
Item: Book of Eggcelent Puns
Item: Book of Gnomes x4
Item: Book of Pumpkins x6
Item: Book of Secrets x2
Item: Book of Sparkles
Item: Book of Villains
Item: Bottle of Fireflies
Item: Bow Necklace x2
Item: Breeze Costume
Item: Bride Doll
Item: British Costume x2
Item: British Hoodie x2
Item: British Short Hoodie x2
Item: British Wig
Item: Broken Candycane x9
Item: Broken Egg Pearl x3
Item: Bronze Easter Egg
Item: Brown 9th Birthday Glowing Egg x2
Item: Brutal Weapons Book x2
Item: Bubbles x12
Item: Buckaroo
Item: Bug Candy x9
Item: Bug Costume
Item: Bug Gumball x5
Item: Bug Quell Wings x2
Item: Bugsy x4
Item: Bunny Contact Lenses
Item: Bunny Leotard x2
Item: Bunny Summoning Stone x2
Item: Bunnysaurus Trading Card x2
Item: Burnt Sugar Pie x5
Item: Butters
Item: Camouflage Book x2
Item: Camouflage Costume x5
Item: Camouflage Stamp x4
Item: Candle Stamp x9
Item: Candy Buttons x7
Item: Candy Costume x2
Item: Candy Floss Trading Card
Item: Candy Guide Book
Item: Candy Treats x4
Item: Candycane Glowing Egg x3
Item: Candycane Pin Up Dress x2
Item: Candyland News Nov 2013
Item: Canistels x5
Item: Capone
Item: Capricorn Scale Tattoo
Item: Carnival Dress
Item: Carnival Feliz Female Costume
Item: Carnival Suit
Item: Carrot Glowing Egg x3
Item: Carrot Juice Pouch x3
Item: Cartoon Costume x2
Item: Cat Lover Shirt
Item: Cauldron Soup
Item: Chains Pants x3
Item: Checkered Hoodie
Item: Cheese Costume x3
Item: Cherry Pies x5
Item: Chewed Up Stamp x3
Item: Chibi x2
Item: Chibi Costume x2
Item: Chibs Female Costume x3
Item: Chibs Male Costumex2
Item: Chibs Notepad
Item: Chocolate Beach Cake x2
Item: Chocolate Bunny Female Costume
Item: Chocolate Bunny Male Costume
Item: Chocolate Cherry x5
Item: Chocolate Easter Egg
Item: Chocolate Pearl x3
Item: Chook x2
Item: Christmas 2008 Stamp x10
Item: Christmas Candycane x9
Item: Christmas Carols x2
Item: Christmas Costume
Item: Christmas Gift Stamp x8
Item: Christmas Lights Book x2
Item: Christmas Luau x3
Item: Christmas Night Costume
Item: Christmas Pistachio x9
Item: Christmas Pretzel
Item: Christmas Reindeer Costume
Item: Christmas Stocking
Item: Christmas Treasure Map 1 x6
Item: Christmas Tree Costume x5
Item: Christmas Tree Stamp
Item: Christmas Tree Sunglasses
Item: Christmas Trees Stamp
Item: Chronicles of the Dark x2
Item: Chronicles of the Light x3
Item: City Accountant Trading Card
Item: City Banker Trading Card
Item: City Hobo Trading Card
Item: City Mayor Trading Card x2
Item: City Realtor Trading Card
Item: City Recession Stamp
Item: Clover Blouse
Item: Clover Headband
Item: Clovite x3
Item: Cobweb Face Makeup
Item: Cola Potato
Item: Combat Boots x2
Item: Commander Zerk Trading Card
Item: Cool Candy Heart x2
Item: Corpse Costume
Item: Corrupted Bell Pepper
Item: Corrupted Black Glowing Egg
Item: Corrupted Carrot x2
Item: Corrupted Giant Carrot
Item: Corrupted Green Apple x2
Item: Corrupted Green Glowing Egg
Item: Corrupted Purple Glowing Egg
Item: Corrupted White Glowing Egg
Item: Corrupted Yellow Apple
Item: Corrupted Yellow Glowing Egg
Item: Corset x2
Item: Cotton Candy Kidlet Potion
Item: Cotton Candy Pearl x3
Item: Cowboy Costume
Item: Cowboy Pearl x2
Item: Cowboy Potato x3
Item: Cowboy Potato Stamp x2
Item: Cozy Turtleneck
Item: Cracked Easter Egg Plushie
Item: Cream Egg
Item: Creepy Book
Item: Creepy Bunny Mask
Item: Creepy Dog Plushie
Item: Creepy Equilor Plushie
Item: Cremul
Item: Crikey Female Costume x3
Item: Crikey Male Costume x2
Item: Crindol Easter Egg
Item: Crow Dress x4
Item: Crow Skull Necklace x3
Item: Crow Wings
Item: Crush x2
Item: Crying Pumpkin Candy
Item: Cucumber Pizza x5
Item: Cupid Female Costume x3
Item: Cupid Male Costume x3
Item: Cursed Costume
Item: Cursed Stamp x2
Item: Dantiz x2
Item: Dark Costume x2
Item: Dark Dance
Item: Dark Demon x3
Item: Dark Fairy Costume
Item: Dark Knight Trading Card
Item: Dark Mark Tattoo
Item: Dark Side Pearl
Item: Darling Candy Heart x5
Item: Daylight Costume x2
Item: Daylight Fairy Glowing Egg
Item: Dead Pumpkin Candy
Item: Death March Costume x3
Item: Death Top
Item: Deathworm
Item: Decapitate x2
Item: Demonic Glowing Egg
Item: Desert Costume x4
Item: Desert Potato x2
Item: Desert Treasure Chest x3
Item: Devil
Item: Devil Contact Lenses
Item: Devil Costume
Item: Devil Female Costume
Item: Devil Gumball x2
Item: Devil Horns
Item: Devil Pearl x2
Item: Devious Elf Costume x3
Item: Diamond Jumper
Item: Diamond Swimsuit
Item: Dice of Doom
Item: Digital Pearl
Item: Dignified Jacket
Item: Dirt Muffin x2
Item: Discontinued Music
Item: Distraught Turkey Plushie x4
Item: Doctor Costume x3
Item: Doll Costume x5
Item: Doll Vial x4
Item: Double Peck Stamp
Item: Double Peck Trading Card
Item: Drab Army Trading Card x2
Item: Dragon Costume x10
Item: Drenched x2
Item: Drifty Dress x5
Item: Drifty Sweater x4
Item: Drifty Wig x3
Item: Drowsy x2
Item: Drummer Girl Costume
Item: Duckling Stamp
Item: Dumpster Diving for Dummies
Item: Earth Fairy Costume x5
Item: Easter Basket x2
Item: Easter Book x3
Item: Easter Bunny Stamp
Item: Easter Bunny Stew
Item: Easter Bunny Trading Card x3
Item: Easter Costume x8
Item: Easter Cupcake
Item: Easter Dress x9
Item: Easter Egg Collectors Stamp x5
Item: Easter Egg Hunt Stamp
Item: Easter Egg Pearl x7
Item: Easter Newth Potion x3
Item: Easter Songs
Item: Easter Stamp x12
Item: Eat Me Cake
Item: Eerie Lamp Post x2
Item: Egbert x2
Item: Egbert Plushie x2
Item: Egg Splatter x3
Item: Eggciting Shirt
Item: Eggy x6
Item: Eighty Dukka Coin
Item: Ekard Trading Card x2
Item: Electric Violin x3
Item: Electro Music x2
Item: Elegant Dress x5
Item: Eleka Amulet
Item: Eleka Bikini Bottoms
Item: Eleka Collar
Item: Eleka Costume
Item: Eleka Guard Trading Card
Item: Eleka Macaron
Item: Eleka Treasure Chest
Item: Eleka Wand x2
Item: Eleka Wings
Item: Elektro
Item: Elf Costume
Item: Elf Shoes
Item: Elfember Costume x11
Item: Elger Trading Card x2
Item: Elite Blazer x3
Item: Ember x3
Item: Enchanted Arcade Zetlian Plushie x3
Item: Enchanted Armoured Feliz Plushie
Item: Enchanted Autumn Doyle Plushie
Item: Enchanted Bee Willa Plushie
Item: Enchanted Bug Jessup Plushie x2
Item: Enchanted Camouflage Tasi Plushie
Item: Enchanted Candy Azul Plushie
Item: Enchanted Candy Willa Plushie
Item: Enchanted Chibi Quell Plushie
Item: Enchanted Daylight Decadal Plushie
Item: Enchanted Desert Mordo Plushie
Item: Enchanted Doll Gobble Plushie
Item: Enchanted Dragon Quell Plushie
Item: Enchanted Dragon Raulf Plushie
Item: Enchanted Easter Fasoro Plushie x3
Item: Enchanted Fancy Dakota Plushie
Item: Enchanted Fire Snookle Plushie x2
Item: Enchanted Geek Osafo Plushie x2
Item: Enchanted Goblin Yakubi Plushie x3
Item: Enchanted Killer Feliz Plushie x2
Item: Enchanted Killer Kujo Plushie
Item: Enchanted Killer Zetlian Plushie x2
Item: Enchanted Nightmare Azul Plushie
Item: Enchanted Nimbus Limax Plushie x2
Item: Enchanted Pampered Quell Plushie
Item: Enchanted Party Quell Plushie x2
Item: Enchanted Phantom Knutt Plushie x3
Item: Enchanted Pixie Lati Plushie
Item: Enchanted Plushie Instructions 1
Item: Enchanted Plushie Instructions 11 x2
Item: Enchanted Plushie Instructions 14
Item: Enchanted Plushie Instructions 15
Item: Enchanted Plushie Instructions 5
Item: Enchanted Plushie Instructions 6
Item: Enchanted Purple Huthiq Plushie
Item: Enchanted Rainbow Ercuw Plushie x3
Item: Enchanted Robot Quell Plushie
Item: Enchanted Scout Chibs Plushie x4
Item: Enchanted Skater Gonk Plushie
Item: Enchanted Snowman Sybri Plushie
Item: Enchanted Space Crindol Plushie
Item: Enchanted Space Fairy Fasoro Plushie x2
Item: Enchanted Splatter Quell Plushie
Item: Enchanted Spring Fasoro Plushie x2
Item: Enchanted Starry Snookle Plushie x2
Item: Enchanted Steampunk Dakota Plushie
Item: Enchanted Steampunk Gonk Plushie x2
Item: Enchanted Stoneage Nino Plushie
Item: Enchanted Summer Fasoro Plushie
Item: Enchanted Toddler Reese Plushie x3
Item: Enchanted Underwater Ideus Plushie
Item: Enchanted Underwater Zetlian Plushie
Item: Enchanted Valentine Tasi Plushie
Item: Endangered Fish
Item: Enpiah Costume x2
Item: Enpiah Ice Cream
Item: Enpiah Law Book
Item: Enpiah Secrets
Item: Enpiah Stars Stamp x3
Item: Equilor Magazine Jun 2013 x2
Item: Ercuw Ears x3
Item: Error Troit Trading Card x2
Item: Evil Clown Face Makeup
Item: Evil Clown Plushie x2
Item: Evil Clown Potato x10
Item: Evil Pizza x9
Item: Explorer Costume
Item: Exposed Intestines
Item: Extremely Hairy Socks
Item: Eye Mask x2
Item: Fabulous Shirt
Item: Fake Eleka Horns
Item: Fallen Leaves Stamp x3
Item: Fancy Costume x5
Item: Fancy Shirt
Item: Fandor x2
Item: Fasoro Party Dress x2
Item: Fasoro Party Suit
Item: Fat Costume x5
Item: Fat Osafo Potion x2
Item: Fear the Spork Shirt x2
Item: Felicia Trading Card
Item: Female Arrow Heart Shirt
Item: Female Bee Top x2
Item: Female Black Whistle Leo Pants
Item: Female Bloody Boots
Item: Female Blue And Black Dress x3
Item: Female Brush Stroke Top
Item: Female Bunny Feet x9
Item: Female Cardigan x2
Item: Female Duck Ring x3
Item: Female Elf Boots
Item: Female Gemini Shirt x3
Item: Female Gemini Shoes x2
Item: Female Gemini Top x2
Item: Female Harmony Shoes x2
Item: Female Leo Jacket
Item: Female Leo Pants x2
Item: Female Leo Shirt x3
Item: Female Leo Shoes
Item: Female Mummy Costume x2
Item: Female Newth Ice Skates x2
Item: Female Nightmare Shoes
Item: Female Nurse Costume x2
Item: Female Red Death Costume x4
Item: Female Reindeer Hooves
Item: Female Sagittarius Shirt
Item: Female Satyr Legs
Item: Female Skating Shoes x3
Item: Female Slippers
Item: Female Star Pyjamas
Item: Female Steampunk Shoes x3
Item: Female Summer Swimwear x2
Item: Female Valentine Boots x11
Item: Female Virgo Shirt
Item: Female Virgo Top x2
Item: Female White Whistle Leo Pants x2
Item: Feminine Aries Contact Lenses
Item: Festival
Item: Festival Gumball x2
Item: Festive Candles Book

wow. GL Hun. Big job
18 years, 1 month & 17 days ago 8th Nov 2016 00:14
  1. ATM Club: Team Wheel of Fortune Event
    17th Sep 2024 09:55
    3 months, 10 days & 3 hrs ago
  2. Good Bye Gallery Collection
    15th Jun 2024 13:10
    6 months, 11 days & 23 hrs ago
  3. Collection Items Needed
    2nd Jan 2022 11:08
    2 years, 11 months & 24 days ago
  4. List of Sold Items with Prices Jan2022-Ongoing
    2nd Jan 2022 10:57
    2 years, 11 months & 24 days ago
  5. List of Sold Items with Prices 2016-Jan2020
    18th Nov 2016 17:39
    8 years, 1 month & 6 days ago
  6. Collection Tracking by Numbers 2022
    9th Nov 2019 16:29
    5 years, 1 month & 16 days ago
  7. Daily Raffle Winner
    9th Jan 2022 16:49
    2 years, 11 months & 16 days ago
  8. Bingo
    30th Apr 2014 21:30
    10 years, 7 months & 28 days ago
  9. Wonky Pyramid binary code tracking
    8th Dec 2012 16:47
    12 years & 17 days ago
  10. 50 quest profit challenge
    20th Jun 2023 17:49
    1 year, 6 months & 7 days ago