31. Welsh. Sports mad. Rarely here.
** NONE OF MY PETS ARE UP FOR TRADE. Nope. Never ever. **
Check out my beautiful Orange Gallery :)
Looking to trade magazines and newspapers (both retired and not), please see trades.
My name is Georgia, I'm a granny in Marapets terms, having been here over half of my life. I collect things with the word Orange in it in my gallery. I'm a full time working adult so I tend to forget about this site a lot.
Baspinar Castle x Biala Candyland City Sewers Dukka Caves x Dukka Town Eleka Castle x Enpiah Gigantic Paradise x Jenoa Kamilah Desert Lowlyhood x Lush Lake Marada Minipet Island x Nimbus x Puchalla Village x Simeria x Slater Park x Undying Woods x Vortex Park x Ziranek
Addow Arinya Azul x Basil Bolimo Chibs Crikey Crindol Daisy x Dakota Decadal Doyle Echlin x Equilor Ercuw x Fasoro Feliz Figaro Flab Gizmo x Gobble Gonk x Grint??? Hump Huthiq x Ideus Ike Jessup Justin Kaala Kidlet Knutt Kronk Kujo Lati Leido Lorius Mordo Murfin Newth Nino x Oglue Osafo Paffuto Phanty Poera Pucu Quell x Raulf x Reese Renat Rofling Rusty x Sindi Snookle x Speiro Sybri Tantua x Tasi x Troit Ushunda Viotto Vixen Vlad x Walee Willa Xoi Yakubi Yuni Zetlian Zoink Zola Zoosh