[img]http://i.imgur.com/hWF4QqB.png[/img] LOOK AT THESE LITTLE POOPIES <3
Anyway yes, basic colors (there are more than those three) will go for a base price of 40k apiece with LOTS of customizations:
COMPLEX DESIGNS (like Poison or Moonlight etc.) (Base price: 75-100k based on complexity)
ADD-ONS (+5k each) 1. Collar of your choice 2. Extravagant ribbon of your choice 3. Full bio certificate (Name, sex, DOB, owner) 4. Additional physical features (Scars, nicked ear, missing eye, crooked tail, etc)
SIZE CHANGES 1. Tiny : 100x100px (-10k) 2. Small : 200x200px or 250x250 px (-5k) 3. Big : 350x350px or 400x400px (+15k) 4. Wallpaper: (indicate screen dimension) (+25k)
~*buy now, *~ Post here: http://www.marapets.com/topics.php?id=2487937&fid=15&latest=1#0 comment or MM and we'll work everything out there :3