~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love."
~ Gandalf (J. R. R. Tolkien ~ The Hobbit)”
“I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love."
~ Gandalf (J. R. R. Tolkien ~ The Hobbit)”
Proud girl:
Washing hands and keeping your distance ...
wearing a mouth and nose protection is the biggest challenge these days ...
but we will make it ... !!!!
" Ludo ergo sum " . ( I play , therefore I am! )
I have 2 computers at home. Me and wittelsbach use the site so please do not ban us.... Thank you
Kleiner Schneemann verfolgt Mädchen:
Happy New Year:
= von Fire für Weihnacht 21
von Fire zu Weihnacht 2023:
from Fire to Valentinesday 2024
from, Fire to Halloween:
von Fire zu St. Patricks
for Shop - Background Color is F0F0F0
Hello [%VISITOR%] . . .
wait a moment...
here, take this :
You can safely carry your purchase home with this...
---Gloves: [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/mjwhite-glove.gif[/img]Single Crystal Glove............. Antique Shop for 12,500,000MP
---Hats: [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/part_1455.gif[/img]Candle Hat.......... Antique Shop 17,500,000MP [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/hat_plushfairy.gif[/img]Plushie Feliz Hat............... Plushie Fairy Prize for 1125 Plushies [Img]http://images.marapets.com/items/wig_roman.gif[/img]Roman Helmet .......... Goal in Simeria ..... last level? [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/criminal-hat.gif[/img]Smooth Criminal Hat.............. Antique Shop 13,750,000MP
---Holograms: got all so far..........
---Jewellery: [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/Jumbo_Diamond_Ring.png[/img]Jumbo Diamond Ring ............ Antique Shop 11,000,000 MP [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/jewel_neck_quell.gif[/img]Quell Necklace .............. Referral System Prize {/color]
[color=#3300FF] ---Male Bottoms: [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/pants_disco_white.gif[/img]White Disco Pants .......... Retired and no longer available
---Male Costumes: [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/male_felizplush.gif[/img]Male Plushie Feliz Costume....................Plushie Fairy Prize for 875 Plushies [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/mutant_male.gif[/img]Mutant Male Costume .................Retired
---Male Shoes: [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/billie-jean-shoes.gif[/img]Billie Jean Shoes ................. Male Shoes for 9,878MP [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/musicshoe_male.gif[/img]Male Musical Shoes .............. Male Shoes for 12,786MP [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/make-me-feel-shoes.gif[/img]Moonwalk Shoes ...................... Male Shoes for 13,888MP [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/criminal-shoes.gif[/img]Smooth Criminal Shoes ................ Male Shoes for 11,261MP
---Male Suits:
---Male Tops:
---Skins.... Poison Pit Prize got all so far
---Socks:.............Quest in Vortex Park. got all so far
---Unisex tops: [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/shirt_light.gif[/img]Light Side Shirt ............ Retired and no longer available [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/shirt_plushie.gif[/img]Plushie Shirt............. Plushie Fairy Prize for 975 plushies
---Wings & Things:
[img]http://images.marapets.com/items/wings_plushfairy.gif[/img]Plushie Fairy Wings......................Plushie Fairy Prize for 1075 Plushies [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/things_plushfeliz.gif[/img]Plushie Feliz Toy.......................Plushie Fairy Prize for 825 Plushies [img]http://images.marapets.com/items/wings_royalfairy.png[/img]Royal Fairy Wings ............... Royal Fairy Prize
Thank you Molly for selling
19 years, 10 months & 19 days ago 6th Feb 2015 07:57
I have the Female Reindeer Hooves. Do you know what your offer would be?
19 years, 10 months & 23 days ago 2nd Feb 2015 13:10
of course can you use it... have fun with it
19 years, 10 months & 23 days ago 2nd Feb 2015 11:12
Would you mind if I took this idea and did my own list and took some of the things from here?
19 years, 10 months & 23 days ago 2nd Feb 2015 11:09