If you have clicked on my info page you would quickly learn that I have a love for halloween poeras. But how did it come to me loving them so much? There are many much cuter marapets around that I could get so why is my pick of the marapets the halloween poera? The whole thing went down on my old account which I can't get on anymore. My username was RustyTwins because I knew my goal would be finish RustyTwins and get a Rusty because they were my favorite pets and I needed to get one. I was able to finish the missions on the first try and get a purple Rusty. But that took a long time and on the way I won a giveaway for a halloween poera potion. I used it on my pet that was named after my current fursona at the time, Kolvu. He was my first LE and he had a name that meant something to me. He quickly became my favorite pet and I got attached to him. I started collecting poeras. I got yet another halloween poera I was planing to trade so I wouldn't have a double but I wasn't able to get offers and I ended up with two of them which I was fine with. I also got a midnight poera which I loved very much as well. When I left my old account but first goal was to get a halloween poera again. I used my potion I bought for my self on my first pet on the account, Amaye. I am planing to change Kiritimati into another hallowen poera or a midnight poera.
When I got my poeras.
On 5/4/14 I bought a halloween poera potion for 800k in the auctions and used it on Amaye.
On 6/11/14 I was given a Halloween Poera by itsjake and his name is Kollvu. This is the greatest gift anyone has ever given to me.
On 6/11/14 I traded my Angel Poera for a Halloween Poera named Nifflers