more scary stories
17 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
5th Oct 2007 00:11 Cr@zy0103 Has Signed On.
Cr@zy0103: See u tonight.
Girl: What do you mean?
Cr@zy0103: I love you, goodbye.
Girl: WHAT?!
Cr@zy0103 Has Signed off.::
That night, she heard tapping on her window. She was scared, so she ran to her sister's bed, and smelled something. She said to herself 'Oh, she wet the bed again...' She pulled open the covers. A shocking sight was laying there. Her little sister had been skinned, and blood was surrounding her. The girl ran to the closet, and penciled into the wall: Haley and Kate, 9/10/1998, We Love you...::
[Her parents were going to have a baby.] The next day they found Haley [The main charrie] hung in a hanger in the closet. That same day the baby was born. A few years later, he went on the same website, and saw something. He saw this:
Angel Has Signed On.
Angel: Hello...see you tonight.
Him: What do you mean?
Angel: I love you little bro, we'll always remember you.
Him: What...?
Angel: Look in the closet.
Angel Has Signed off.
He looked in the closet, and saw the writing.
That night he was hung in his closet, the same place they were