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Hiya. I'm Reverie.

I met my husband here ten years ago. We have managed the social media for MaraPets for over four years now.

I’m happy to accept wardrobe items that I’m missing on any of my trades, as long as it's a fair trade. See my Wishlist!

218786c5a802a639c53a38ddd20f71983b2406dc.pngCRlxuZSm.jpg9af9df141c31a1fbd2aaab7a06a98b197682c52d.png d7a700a86ff6463b36260ccf44d01c65e05564eb.jpg
  1. Tableaus Temple Picks
    11th Jan 2023 13:53
    1 year, 11 months & 14 days ago
  2. Missing Plates
    28th Nov 2021 17:50
    3 years & 28 days ago
  3. 🖤 Art 🖤
    21st Nov 2021 08:42
    3 years, 1 month & 4 days ago
  4. Avatar Lending
    15th Sep 2021 07:10
    3 years, 3 months & 11 days ago
  5. More name tags
    9th Sep 2021 13:10
    3 years, 3 months & 17 days ago
  6. Wonky Runs
    17th Apr 2020 19:27
    4 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  7. LE Plushie Machine Wins
    15th Apr 2019 20:07
    5 years, 8 months & 12 days ago
  8. Name tags
    24th Sep 2016 12:05
    8 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
  9. My Pokemon
    27th Jul 2016 20:51
    8 years & 5 months ago
  10. Jester Mission
    9th May 2015 18:30
    9 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
Plushie Machine Log 4
10 years, 8 months & 14 days ago
13th Apr 2014 22:12


You found 229MP!
You found 72MP!
You found 67MP!
Dropped it!
You found 88MP!
Mutant Quell Plushie!
You found 90MP!
You found 136MP!
Enchanted Green Paffuto Plushie!
Digital Yakubi Plushie!
Dropped it!
Bronze Yakubi Plushie!
Enchanted White Gonk Plushie!
Enchanted Purple Gonk Plushie!
Purple Murfin Plushie!
You found 185MP!


You found 63MP!
You found 221MP!
You found 165MP!
You found 86MP!
Dropped it!
You found 142MP!
Enchanted White Gonk Plushie!
You found 140MP!
White Gonk Plushie!
You found 220MP!
Dropped it!
White Knutt Plushie!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Green Knutt Plushie!
Dropped it!
You found 145MP!
You found 170MP!
Dropped it!
You found 96MP!
Dropped it!
You found 190MP!
Yellow Gonk Plushie!
You found 182MP!
Dropped it!
You found 136MP!
Red Kujo Plushie!
You found 83MP!


Dropped it!
You found 54MP!
Radioactive Equilor Plushie!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Enchanted White Gonk Plushie!
Dropped it!
You found 74MP!
Ninja Knutt Plushie!
You found 132MP!
You found 57MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 52MP!
You found 71MP!
Enchanted Grey Xoi Plushie!
Fire Fairy Speiro Plushie!
You found 204MP!
Dropped it!
Green Fasoro Plushie!
You found 164MP!
You found 157MP!
Red Walee Plushie!
You found 85MP!
Wizard Troit Plushie!
You found 244MP!
You found 79MP!
Enchanted Purple Xoi Plushie!


You found 135MP!
You found 121MP!
Dropped it!
Yellow Grint Plushie!
You found 96MP!
You found 170MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 69MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 112MP!
Prison Quell Plushie!
Red Speiro Plushie!
Black Ercuw Plushie!
Blue Jessup Plushie!
Green Chibs Plushie!
Dropped it!
Bronze Grint Plushie!
Mutant Yakubi Plushie!
Radioactive Rofling Plushie!
Dropped it!
You found 231MP!
You found 103MP!
You found 237MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Pink Lati Plushie!
Dropped it!
Enchanted Green Yakubi Plushie!


You found 219MP!
You found 184MP!
Dropped it!
You found 183MP!
You found 231MP!
You found 234MP!
You found 180MP!
You found 122MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Blue Murfin Plushie!
Pink Grint Plushie!
Dropped it!
You found 133MP!
You found 201MP!
You found 209MP!
You found 74MP!
Dropped it!
White Gizmo Plushie!
Snow Addow Plushie!
You found 66MP!
You found 146MP!
You found 172MP!
Orange Huthiq Plushie!
Black Vixen Plushie!
You found 61MP!
You found 145MP!
You found 239MP!
Mutant Rofling Plushie!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!


Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 104MP!
Wizard Addow Plushie!
You found 231MP!
You found 138MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 71MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Enchanted Purple Ideus Plushie!
You found 55MP!
Red Gonk Plushie!
You found 187MP!


Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Enchanted Yellow Leido Plushie!
You found 76MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Red Renat Plushie!
You found 146MP!
Dropped it!
Green Quell Plushie!
You found 232MP!
You found 53MP!
Dropped it!
You found 202MP!
You found 79MP!
Yellow Equilor Plushie!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 109MP!
You found 215MP!
You found 231MP!
You found 87MP!
You found 105MP!

4/20/2014: ~Happy Easter~

Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 178MP!
Dropped it!
Mutant Zetlian Plushie!
You found 80MP!
Purple Oglue Plushie!
Zombie Quell Plushie!
Wizard Ercuw Plushie!
Mutant Tantua Plushie!
You found 96MP!
Dropped itt!


You found 215MP!
Red Quell Plushie!
You found 56MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 105MP!
Dropped it!
You found 91MP!
You found 201MP!
Enchanted Green Paffuto Plushie!
You found 100MP!
Geek Osafo Plushie!
You found 172MP!
Orange Huthiq Plushie!
Dropped it!
Pink Feliz Plushie!
You found 232MP!
Dropped it!
Yellow Renat Plushie!
Mutant Sindi Plushie!
You found 207MP!
You found 51MP!
Fire Fairy Speiro Plushie!
Dropped it!
You found 228MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 184MP!
Dropped it!


You found 244MP!
You found 130MP!
Yellow Fasoro Plushie!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 161MP!
Blue Speiro Plushie!
You found 98MP!
Green Jessup Plushie!
Grey Oglue Plushie!
Dropped it!
Blue Reese Plushie!
Sketch Zetlian Plushie!
Yellow Tantua Plushie!
You found 118MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 248MP!
Dropped it!


Orange Lati Plushie!
Enchanted Yellow Jessup Plushie!
Dropped it!
Digital Yakubi Plushie!
You found 148MP!
Space Azul Plushie!
You found 80MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 145MP!
Dropped it!


Dropped it!
Enchanted White Renat Plushie!
White Quell Plushie!
Enchanted Yellow Jessup Plushie!
Sketch Rofling Plushie!
Yellow Rofling Plushie!
You found 234MP!


Enchanted Grey Feliz Plushie!
Green Oglue Plushie!
You found 82MP!
You found 212MP!
Dropped it!


Red Troit Plushie!
You found 117MP!
You found 74MP!
Dropped it!
You found 211MP!
Dropped it!
You found 92MP!
You found 243MP!


You found 250MP!
You found 102MP!
Prison Poera Plushie!
Dropped it!
Grey Speiro Plushie!
You found 248MP!
You found 157MP!
Dropped it!
You found 132MP!
Dropped it!


Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 191MP!
Orange Gonk Plushie!
Dropped it!
You found 127MP!
Dropped it!
You found 81MP!
Funky Sindi Plushie!
You found 131MP!
You found 164MP!
Dropped it!
You found 232MP!
Dropped it!
Enchanted Green Paffuto Plushie!
Yellow Snookle Plushie!
Green Addow Plushie!
Yellow Lati Plushie!
Purple Lati Plushie!
Yellow Newth Plushie!
Black Fasoro Plushie!
Wizard Ercuw Plushie!
You found 186MP!
You found 62MP!
You found 87MP!
You found 192MP!
Dropped it!


Dropped it!
Pink Lati Plushie!
Yellow Viotto Plushie!
You found 213MP!
Dark Fasoro Plushie!
Enchanted Orange Jessup Plushie!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Green Equilor Plushie!
Fairy Chibs Plushie!
Dropped it!
You found 250MP!
You found 248MP!
You found 83MP!
You found 250MP!
Dropped it!
You found 138MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Prison Addow Plushie!
Yellow Troit Plushie!
You found 193MP!
Dropped it!
You found 151MP!
You found 177MP!
Purple Lati Plushie!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Pirate Yakubi Plushie!
Dropped it!
You found 154MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Green Ercuw Plushie!


Yellow Yakubi Plushie!
Dropped it!
You found 240MP!
Dropped it!
You found 214MP!
Dropped it!
White Nino Plushie!
Dropped it!
Pink Renat Plushie!
Black Kujo Plushie!
Dropped it!
You found 76MP!
Christmas Addow Plushie!
Yellow Speiro Plushie!
Enchanted Green Doyle Plushie!
You found 90MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Mutant Fasoro Plushie!
You found 195MP!
You found 227MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 111MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!


Dropped it!
You found 125MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 177MP!
Black Leido Plushie!
Green Fasoro Plushie!
Blue Tantua Plushie!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Enchanted Snow Addow Plushie!
Yellow Viotto Plushie!
You found 174MP!
You found 153MP!
You found 223MP!
Yellow Snookle Plushie!
Dropped it!


You found 104MP!
You found 116MP!
You found 114MP!
You found 150MP!
You found 89MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 133MP!
Dropped it!
Yellow Fasoro Plushie!
Dropped it!
Blue Fasoro Plushie!
You found 51MP!
You found 180MP!


Yellow Viotto Plushie!
You found 115MP!
Mutant Bolimo Plushie!
You found 112MP!
Dropped it!
Red Crindol Plushie!
Dropped it!
You found 105MP!
You found 224MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 200MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Green Grint Plushie!
Fire Ercuw Plushie!
Dropped it!
You found 149MP!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!


You found 165MP!
You found 152MP!
Green Quell Plushie!
Dropped it!
Orange Jessup Plushie!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 73MP!
Dropped it!
You found 208MP!
Enchanted Green Doyle Plushie!
You found 90MP!
Checkered Leido Plushie!
You found 198MP!
You found 188MP!
Dropped it!
You found 100MP!
You found 213MP!


Dropped it!
You found 188MP!
Dropped it!
You found 143MP!
White Troit Plushie!
You found 112MP!
Dropped it!
You found 113MP!
You found 169MP!
Dropped it!
Fairy Chibs Plushie!
Yellow Newth Plushie!
You found 138MP!
Wizard Addow Plushie!
Dropped it!


Gold Fasoro Plushie!
You found 68MP!
Dropped it!
Orange Grint Plushie!
You found 64MP!
You found 53MP!
Dropped it!
Enchanted Purple Paffuto Plushie!
Dropped it!


Yellow Ideus Plushie!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
Dropped it!
You found 224MP!
You found 121MP!
Blue Grint Plushie!
Purple Murfin Plushie!
You found 100MP!
Yellow Oglue Plushie!
You found 69MP!

  1. Tableaus Temple Picks
    11th Jan 2023 13:53
    1 year, 11 months & 14 days ago
  2. Missing Plates
    28th Nov 2021 17:50
    3 years & 28 days ago
  3. 🖤 Art 🖤
    21st Nov 2021 08:42
    3 years, 1 month & 4 days ago
  4. Avatar Lending
    15th Sep 2021 07:10
    3 years, 3 months & 11 days ago
  5. More name tags
    9th Sep 2021 13:10
    3 years, 3 months & 17 days ago
  6. Wonky Runs
    17th Apr 2020 19:27
    4 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  7. LE Plushie Machine Wins
    15th Apr 2019 20:07
    5 years, 8 months & 12 days ago
  8. Name tags
    24th Sep 2016 12:05
    8 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
  9. My Pokemon
    27th Jul 2016 20:51
    8 years & 5 months ago
  10. Jester Mission
    9th May 2015 18:30
    9 years, 7 months & 19 days ago