Instruments Wish List
10 years, 10 months & 15 days ago
9th Feb 2014 22:57 First off, thanks to Pib for sending me over 40 instruments to get me going...this is an incredibly generous gesture that I will surely never forget! I hope I was able to return my thank with my gift (still thinking).
Instruments still need though not as in a hurry to get:
Baby Grand Piano - x10
Bass Guitar x9
Candycane Trumpet x2
Christmas Drum x7
Dizi x6
Electric Violin x10
Elegant Band Camp Cymbals x4
Elegant Band Camp Tambourine x3
Erhu x4
Faun Flute x8
Festive Bells x7
Festive Cymbals x10
Festive Tuba x10
Festive Violin x9
Frilly Lute x9
Glockenspiel x5
Haunted Horn x10
Holiday Horn x7
Holy Harp x7
Hurdy Gurdy x10
Jingle Bells x9
Jug x10
Kazoo x10
Love Trumpet x7
Lyre x9
Pear Ukulele x2
Piano x7
Quack Whistle x5
Romantic Guitar x7
Skull Violin x3
Slide Whistle x6
Snare Drum x10
Snow Guitar x7
Spooky Drum Set x10
Theremin x10
Timpani Drum x5
Twisted Rose Lute x10
Ukulele x1