What up! I'm an old returning player and behind on the times. I draw a lot but sporadically on here. Only going to draw pets as it's unfair to commissioners on other socials. <:}
Staff: I use my phone and desktop, my GF is Koze so we use the same WiFi. :)
Shops/Trades: If you need something quick for a mission, I can try and cut you a deal. Just HMU if I'm online!
Pets: Working on fixing up pets, only one's up for trades/offers is Stefanny! Everyone else is HTP.
Current Main Pet: Daegny
Collecting Rusty plushies and other dog paraphernalia for her as she is named after my IRL dog Dagny. Hot Dawg and Halloweenie obtained before end of Halloween 23'!
Well this became a bummer, you seemed super cool and I
really appreciate all the support you've given me in the graphic forums ;u; Really sucks that you're leaving, I would've loved to have chatted you up some more and teach me your wise ways of auctioning ahah;;
Oh yeah,totally didn't forget this was suppose to be application nope not at all ahah; With that note, I don't have a big ol' sob story to say why I deserve Tooth or how it's been my dream pet since I was a wee child but merely how grateful I would be for it. That's probably not going to mean much to you for the cutie pootie, since you probably have a good 60 or so people are going to have at it the application as well. Probably said people have better reasons for it also, but maybe hear me out? Maybe my goofy picture of him would be worth your time? ahah;
[center] The Actual Application:[/center]
Oh boy oh boy, here comes the rambling and wall of text.
So upon recently, I have reunited into Marapets out of hope of completing my goals I had set in the beginning of me joining. I thought these would be simple enough with all my retired AU items I could sell for spare cash to get me on my way. Jeebus was I wrong. Adminia was planned to be Angel, Ario beside her being a Devil. Delighted a Christmas Viotto, Nominate into a Royal Mordo, the list could keep going but I recall you saying there is a text limit and I'd like to keep it sweet and short if possible. Anyway, it just wasn't going to be happen. But then I decided, "Huh, maybe I can just trade them for the pets I want. A lot easier that way!"
Couldn't even bring myself to open a forum. I gotten so overly attached to my pets, even after leaving them for so long. Even though I generally don't like my Tasi, Losinge (who I've been longing to trade.) I can't help but want a good amount for him,and not even in a way to just get the best out of the trade. Like, I just want to know that someone I'm trading him would work hard enough to give a pet that they had equal love for so that they could love him with that same amount of gratitude. Like they earned it, and would have more attachment towards him because they trade their best/ favorite pet for him. Even though I never felt that much for him, it would make me happy to see him in a good home that someone would generally care about him. That probably sounds super cheesy, right? But I honestly get this attached most of the time to my pets, virtual or not.
Now, I'm not quite sure what you'd want for Tooth or would like for him, like I said, I get extremely attached to the pets I own. To the point where I get dorky and draw them in little scenes and give them some sort of personality and background. So all I can really say is I would be absolutely overjoyed to have Tooth apart of my Marapet family and probably wouldn't trade them because gosh isn't he a perfect babe, and he'd maybe help me achieve that obsessive need to dress-up a pet in the Ice cream costume?
As much as I hate seeing people ether trading/ changing the costume of an application pet, I think the Ice cream costume would really suit him well. C:> Hopefully that doesn't make me sounds like a butt for wanting to change his costume he really is fantastic. If you'd prefer me to not, I would follow your wishes for it!
tldr; I'm a huge dork and I would screech like a pterodactyl if I ever won the cutie and you would have to forgive me if this app was super long and boring.So uh, forgiveness?:
Maybe him in the future? Nah, probably not aha. Even if I don't win him, I truly hope you find him a good home and that you keep on being awesome! So go kick that two year ahead of you's butt C:< !
your so good at graphics!
111 years, 7 months & 27 days ago 1st May 2013 19:10