My favourite quote. Ahhh.. that's hard :l
Most people are picking quotes from REEALLYY .. "inspirational" people, i guess? c:
But me. on the other hand. is/am/are {Grammar check please T_T} a complete bro/cry fan.
So pewdiepie and chaoticmonki /lulz.
My favourite "game" as such is when they play bloody trapland. Gosh dang it, they're hilarious (': Not sure if you're a fan of them already or not T n T
But anyway. I'm turning this into practically an app. s o r r y! > u <
So here's the quote, gal (;
Pewds - "Bend over, cry"
It's my honest favourite because I'm an innocent *coughs* diehard fan of the pewdiecry ship T u T
and this quote is basically where it was born from xD
I would talk tons and tons and gallons and tons and ohohoi'mamerican and lots more, but I must try and keep this as short as possible. Sorry for the length, and gl with real life! (: