Holiday Gifts
12 years, 1 month & 13 days ago
12th Nov 2012 13:06 I generally find people in the New Members fourms to give gifts but I also find randoms from the online list.
Post if you want to be included in any giveaways. You can post items that you like, or I may buy an item of your wishlist...or you may just be sent a random item listed below.
Thanksgiving 2012:
Green Fatty- Jaymiep
8th Birthday Cupcake- BRYbryn, AutumnDawn12
Turkiye- UndyingQueen123
Book of Bad Smiles- girliegal123,
Puchalla Villagers-
Grey Fatty- phoenixcross
Hazelnuts- ilovedaleyach
Pine Nuts- SeverusDumbledore
Christmas 2012:
Christmas Tree Sweater- WhiteSnowball22
Our 8th Birthday- pumacat
Black Fatty- Supercutie145
Skeleton Costume- RiverSpirit14
Mordo Mummy Doll- elvisroyal (WL item)