12 years, 3 months & 10 days ago
17th Sep 2012 03:48 Signature Event- Create a signature for the club and send the link to LiAnn191 and then in 2 hours(0:00 mst) and the winner will receive a daisy dip!!! You can enter 5 entries
Spam night - 17th of each month
Party - When we reach 20 members
Auctions- 15/09/12, this is where we will do auctions just for the club, every Friday and saturday.
Quiz night Every second Sunday
swapping night every second monday
Games nightevery second wednesdaybr> Talent night 4th of every month
Best Donator- Right now, until we reach 300k. All you do is try and donate the most mp in mean time, you will get a prize worth around the same amount or a bit more if your lucky!
good luck