I'm Zoe and I'm a long time Mara player as it's quite the boredom killer.
I would really love love love to have Celantro, Baby Quells have always been one of my favorite pets. I just love their big ol' heads and eyes.
it would be lovely to add them to my collection of cute as a button pets.
I'm probably not as deserving as the other applicants as I already have some LE's but there's no harm in trying, I suppose!
some background story on me.
I'm 15 and I've been on Mara for quite awhile, as aforementioned, on and off. I used to be quite the graphics maker a year ago. but now I'm focusing on making a better account as an actual participant of the site. like pets and mp and whatnot.
I also love cute things. I'm an ISFP so I'm a visual person and lovely things just make me so happy. and Celantro is very lovely indeed.
hm, what else does one write in applications.
I'm not quite good at life nor expressing things but well, I really like Baby Quells so I will try my best!
thank you for doing this by the way, I think it's very kind.
young innocent quell,
small bodied and large headed,
staring at his toy
I'm a big poetry fan too, not that I'm very good.
I'll try a better one.
floating out of my body,
(I drift miles above)
smelling the salt in the air,
getting dust in my teeth,
my hair rushing wildly in every direction,
my new baby, Celantro waves at me
(staring brightly at my face.)
happy, smiling and laughing
(that's what I was when I got to hold my new love)
just lovely it was to have a baby.
(pixel or not)
that is my attempt.
I hope it was not too much in vain.
I really do hope I get picked, but if I don't, it's gonna be alright. you're still pretty lovely to have given me the chance.
thanks very much.