Hi, Jenn! I'm Lauren and I'm from the UK. I have a strange obsession with cats, just thought I'd let you know.(????????????)
In the future I can see myself having a house full of pets as I love animals quite a lot.??? ????????????
If it was up to me, I'd have a house full of them now but obviously it isn't up to me seeing as thought I'm not the only one in the house. I have 1 cat at the moment and I have a dog that lives with my dad, he's called Trojan and he's a Siberian husky. My cats called Sooty and he's black [quite ironic how it goes with his name]. I think that the reason I'm still on here is because I love animals so much and because I don't have many in rl, I choose to come on here and collect as many as I can.
So, I'm applying for Gatti! He's an absolutely adorable pet and I'd be honored to have him. He's only 160 days old, too! So to me, he kinda still is a baby.:3
A reason why I would like to be the new owner of Gatti is because I have quite a close friend in real life who's second name is Gatti. We've been friends for quite a few years now and having her second name on here would be amazing. We've been through a lot together and had some good memories.???
I've been chasing Gatti around this site for quite a while and to have him finally would be such a relief! Haha.^^
If I won him, I would probably change his gender to a female, then keep her.???
I just attempted to do a graphic, but it would of probably scared you off.(??????????????????? ?????????
Anyway, I'm sorry to see you leaving, I've seen you quite a lot around the forums and you seem like a very nice person. Good luck in real life, thank you for this opportunity!
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