hey there!
im Kirsty, im 17 years old, and im here to apply for your Rocking Werewolf Fasoro.
They are only 80MP to buy in Shop Search, but that is not the point. I feel that is to expensive for me at this moment in time, especially at this time in the Festive Season c:
Rocking Werewolf Fasoro are awesome, because how many Rocking Werewolf Fasoros are out there? i think you should totally consider me to own your Rocking Werewolf Fasoro which is worth 80MP, i promise to look after it and cherish it for ever. It will never ever leave my side. I can promise you that!
Here is a poem i made:
I love your Rocking Werewolf Fasoro alot,
if i owned it i wouldnt let it rot,
it would never ever leave my side,
it would be my joy and pride.
Hope you consider me to win the most expensive thing out there.
Lol ^^ good luck choosing!
Sadly i also borrowed the applicants choice of Shop Search XD