Stop it.
13 years, 4 months & 6 days ago
10th Sep 2011 16:17 I have been thinking about this lately, and I really felt the need to post it.
In recent months, I've noticed a lot of ugliness in the forums, a lot of it directed at new members, but some even directed at people who just felt like posting in a different forum for once.
And then I read a board in forums addressing the same issue, and I was glad that someone had the guts to post it because I'm sure several members feel the exact same way.
Members who are new and inexperienced can't help it. But they have the right to post in any of the available forums, and they shouldn't be belittled and harassed because of it, but they are. And it's very disturbing. It seems as though people think they're cool if they put someone down or that it makes them popular. It doesn't. It makes that person look like a jerk. And I'm seeing it more and more, all the ugliness and rudeness, and it's unnecessary.
Every person on this website is more than just another member of marapets. They are all people with real lives and circumstances that others probably know nothing about. And then they come online to get away from their life, and what are they faced with? Name-calling and harassment, and it's disgusting. Just because someone has the nerve to treat another person like trash from behind their computer screen doesn't mean it doesn't affect that person on a deeper level.
E-bullying is just as disgusting and wrong as bullying in real life, and i don't think a lot people view it as such. People think it's funny, and it isn't. People think it makes them look cool and experienced, and it doesn't. And I think people need to realize that.
Mara would be much more enjoyable if people cut back on the rude and hurtful comments. After all, you were new once, too.