Kamilah Pyramid Temple
14 years, 3 months & 29 days ago
4th Sep 2010 11:22 Sep 25 2024
Sent this to eitorial
I'm stuck on L32 of Kamilah Pyramid. I've been stuck a long time. I need Kamilah Code 00. It's extremely hard to earn one from the Kamilah Codes game and this item is currently over 7mil in trades. I'm too far into the temple to just leave and start over. I don't see any way forward. The code needs to be more available or the pyramid needs to not ask for it. This feature has become unusable. Also, we paid to gain access to this feature. In fact this pyramid map pieces are currently in aus right now.
L1 - Kamilah Code 2, o, s 128k total reward is 2500
L2 - Kamilah Code E, D, F 150k total reward is 5k
Took pet out
L1 - 7.1,R - 193k - 2500mps
L2 - 1,S,I - 260k - 5k
L3 - T 47k, D 20k, N 65k - Pyramid Cake
L4 - 6,B,10 - 204k - 7k
L5 - Y,K,5 - 580k ouch! - 8k reward ugh
L6 - N,10,S - 97k - 9k reward
L7 - S 44k, W 60k, T 42k - level stat
L8 - F 34k, J 90k, 100k - Kamilah Pot
L9 - 10 50k, F 30k, Need Y which is 223k now. Waiting to trade or for price to come down. IamSuzi sent Y. Waiting to see what she wants for it. Got 10k reward. ugh. so not worth it. I don't even want a hump pet. lol : p
L10 - T have it, 5 89k, Waiting for 9 to come down in price. THEDAD gave me the code 9. - 2 coordination stats
L11 - I, O, 2, 240k - 2 strength stats
L12 - N,Z,D. Had one, paid 40k + 110k - 12k reward
L13 - 6,6,9 300k - 3 charisma stats.
L14 - 5,L,A 50k - Pyramid Bracelet
L15 - B, A, 8 -400k -
L16 - B, 5, P - 190k - 2 speed stats
L17 - V, X, B - paid 206k for B had the others. Reward is Pyramid Blocks Toy
L18 - H, K, N
Is this temple worth it? Let's see
L2 - 240k
L6 - 170k
L7 - 40k
L8 - 90k
L9 - 260k
L10 - 95k
L11 - 75k
L13 - 110k
L14 - 210
L15 -
L29 - Missed a lot unfortunately 400k
L34 - 230k