Heya Baby_Zoey.I'm Rida, I'm 14 and I'm from Canada.I have been playing Marapets for over 1 year and in that time I have come quite far. My greatest achievement to date was when I received my Yuni, Caroliene . It took me a long time, but I never gave up! My current goal is to get 1 more Le pet and costume him\her.Wow! GlitterMist is just perfect! I've been looking for a mordo for ages and now is my chance! GlitterMist's name is really nice and I'm sure she'd fit perfectly in with my Mara-family, which I'm so proud of. GlitterMist would be a treasure and a pleasure to look after. I've always wanted a mordo, and although it isn't my dream pet, I assure you she'd have no better home than with me.Well, many people will say they deserve GlitterMist, and I won't make myself seem selfish and say I deserve him, because that's just not me. And you need to see the real me to decide whether I'd be a good owner or not right? I don't deserve GlitterMist; I would just adore having him with my crew.I won't lie and say I love GlitterMist because I would be lying, and lying to just get a pixel on a game site is just ridiculous, because love can't be faked or restrained or forced upon you, it takes time to grow, like a flower. But, I can assure you if I received GlitterMist, I would come to love him as one of my own.Thanks for this opportunity. I hope you find the best possible owner for GlitterMist, because he deserves it. <33 Love Rida and her motley crew xx