Hi, I'm Jenny! I'm always stalking on your profile....so I know you but you don't know me. I'm here to app for your wow! 100k! I read the rules and you got your dream pet? Congrats.
I'll love to have your massive 100k mp (cause I think its lot of money) because err....actually the money is not for my dream pet fund. It's actually for my beloved bestie, Jeanne. She's currently doing the temple, and I love to help her by buying hiregolyphics( I dunno if its spelled correctly). I simply love her so much so I hope you will consider me in this giveaway. You know what, hiregolyphics....I pronouce it as: Hire-golly-pigs! Haha! I'm hiring golly pigs! But hiring golly pigs( still at the joke) need mp, so I need that mp. But even though I don't get it, never mind, cause I'll always help my friend. Good Luck everyone! Give it to those who needs it very much.
*By the way, try searching your name in www.urbandictionary.com, something its funny, search my name too, cuz I'm hot.