Unethical Traders
14 years, 11 months & 30 days ago
12th Jan 2010 17:07 February 5, 2010
I did not write this article and this was not my original idea. I am doing what BobnCat (Moderator) is doing in the Price Check Forum and helping other players know how bad traders or "resellers" can actually be. There is a right way to buy and sell items and there is also a wrong way. The link to the site is maintained and by Indygo (Admin) and Xaenthe (Moderator). The article was written by Ian (Owner), I think.
Please correct me if I made any mistakes.
If you think Marapets would be a better place if every player had to read this before buying and selling items, please support this cause by placing this on your blog as well.
Justine a.k.a. justineeyy